Teller Report

The amount of assistance for low-income families announced Wednesday

4/14/2020, 5:07:13 PM

This aid, announced Monday by Emmanuel Macron, concerns the most precarious families but also people without children

A man sitting in the street, in Paris (illustration image). - Christophe Ena / AP / SIPA

Emmanuel Macron announced Monday evening "exceptional assistance to the poorest families" during his speech. The amount and the terms of this aid will be announced by the government on Wednesday, after the cabinet meeting, AFP learned.

This aid must in particular make it possible to respond "to a certain number of problematic situations, which the associations have brought back to us", told AFP the entourage of the Secretary of State responsible for the fight against poverty, Christelle Dubos . Observing that the weeks of confinement are "also very difficult (...) for the most fragile and the most deprived", the Head of State had indicated, during a solemn speech Monday evening, that the government would pay "without delay a exceptional help for the most modest families with children, to enable them to meet their basic needs ”.

Additional costs related to containment

During confinement, the most modest households may suffer loss of income - for example because they lose the opportunity to perform certain "small jobs" - observed the office of Christelle Dubos.

In addition, disadvantaged families have more difficulty accessing the food aid systems set up by associations, and are faced with certain additional costs - such as feeding their children at noon, when they normally benefit. social tariffs, or even free, in school canteens. The "one-off" aid, the outline of which the government must specify on Wednesday, must therefore enable the most vulnerable people - especially families, but also people without children - to "fill their budget, which has been started by higher spending or income less important, ”one sums up in the entourage of Christelle Dubos.

"This announcement by the president is a great satisfaction, but we are now waiting to know the amount of aid," commented to AFP Jérôme Voiturier, on behalf of the collective "Alert", grouping associations fighting against poverty. "For our part, we asked the government for help of 250 euros per person, not per family," said Jérôme Voiturier.


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  • Poverty
  • Society
  • Video
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • Precarite
  • Help