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Talking about the "epidemic" war: CPPCC members and businessmen advocate cooperation and innovation to promote the steady recovery of enterprises

4/14/2020, 6:23:52 AM

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Proposal for the fight against "epidemic disease": CPPCC members and business people advocate cooperation and innovation to promote the steady recovery of enterprises

China News Agency, Beijing, April 14th (Reporter Yang Zhe) The new coronary pneumonia epidemic has caused a huge impact on all walks of life. At present, under the normalization of China's epidemic prevention and control measures and the comprehensive promotion of resumption of production and production, many members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and businessmen have expressed their confidence in economic recovery, and suggested that cooperation and innovation should promote the steady recovery of enterprises.

Shang Fulin, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said in an interview with a reporter from China News Service that the process of the nation's fight against the epidemic embodies the joint efforts of all walks of life. Many companies have obeyed the overall situation, sacrificed their own interests, and effectively supported the supply of anti-epidemic materials; in response to the needs of anti-epidemic, companies have made efforts to innovate, which has alleviated the impact of the epidemic to a certain extent, reflecting the market players ’increasing levels of adaptation in recent years and The ability to innovate also confirms that innovation is the driving force and powerful kinetic energy for the high-quality development of the economy, and it further strengthens the confidence of enterprises to overcome difficulties.

In response to the latest changes in domestic and international epidemic prevention and control and the economic situation, Shang Fulin believes that it is necessary to speed up the restoration of production and living order under the normal conditions of epidemic prevention and control, and go all out to support the real economy and serve production and life; Liquidity support and other means help regions, industries, and groups that are more affected by the epidemic, and make the weak areas in the circulation of the national economy overcome difficulties. In the medium and long term, it is necessary to continue to scientifically and steadily grasp the strength of counter-cyclical macroeconomic adjustment and more accurately guide the flow of financial resources to private, small and micro enterprises, social and people's livelihood and other fields.

With the spread of the epidemic, the global industrial chain and trade chain have been greatly affected. Shang Fulin emphasized that the exogenous impact brought by the epidemic has not changed the basic elements and internal logic of China's economic growth. On the one hand, we should give play to the advantages of domestic enterprises' manufacturing capabilities and industrial supporting capabilities. While strengthening the coordination and support between the upstream and downstream of the domestic industrial chain, we should strengthen international cooperation in the global industrial chain and trade chain, and work together to meet the challenges. On the other hand, we must adhere to innovation-driven development, fully stimulate the market's innovation vitality and subjective kinetic energy, accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading in the process of deepening supply-side structural reforms, improve development quality and market competitiveness, and enhance the ability to adapt to external shocks .

Earlier, many members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and business people also made suggestions and suggestions on related issues in an interview with the People's Daily. Zhang Jindong, deputy chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and chairman of Suning Holdings Group, pointed out that under the current situation, enterprises must actively save themselves on the one hand, and at the same time, they must promote industry collaboration, get together to keep warm, and overcome difficulties together. Large enterprises must be more courageous and bear more social responsibilities, export resources and capabilities to the society and industry, and integrate social resources efficiently to form a joint force to help economic production resume as soon as possible.

He also combined with the operation of his own enterprise that during the fight against the epidemic, some new models, new formats, and new economies continue to emerge. Many companies have found new growth opportunities in the "big test" of industrial capabilities and ecological synergy. It is believed that after the epidemic is brought under control, the economy will return to the track of stable growth sooner, while the consumption and investment delayed earlier will be released and a compensatory recovery will occur.

He Qiang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a professor at the Central University of Finance and Economics, mentioned that the impact of the epidemic objectively accelerated the clearing of China's backward production capacity, reducing the burden on the economy and advancing lightly. During the fight against the epidemic, the people of the whole country made concerted efforts to demonstrate efficient resource allocation and integration capabilities from the central to local governments. The Chinese economy has strong self-healing capabilities and will certainly be able to resolve the impact of the epidemic.

Nan Cunhui, vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and chairman of Chint Group Co., Ltd., believes that the policies of benefiting enterprises and assisting enterprises, periodic burden reduction measures and innovative measures issued by various departments in various regions are the key to stimulating the endogenous power of the enterprise and keeping the company confident . As production resumes, the confidence of various enterprises is also increasing. "We firmly believe that China's economic fundamentals are improving for a long time, and we believe that difficulties are temporary and the future is bright." (End)