Teller Report

Sánchez urges Iglesias to wait "months" for the minimum vital income and to "coordinate" with Escrivá

4/14/2020, 1:50:22 PM

The Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, has settled internal contradictions about the so-called vital minimum income in the council of ministers on Tuesday. Minister For

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The Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, has settled internal contradictions about the so-called vital minimum income in the council of ministers on Tuesday. The Minister Spokesperson, María Jesús Montero , has ruled out at the end of the meeting to launch the bridge or express minimum income that is defended by the second vice president of Social Affairs, Pablo Iglesias , and has assured that we will have to wait "a few months" for " the competent minister ", that of Inclusion and Social Security, José Luis Escrivá , present a definitive project. Iglesias will have to coordinate with him, against his plan to try an express rent from his vice presidency.

"The government is working tirelessly on this commitment," said Montero. "It is ambitious, because it has to incorporate coordination with the autonomous communities and other types of aid," he stressed. "What is being done is speeding up these works by Minister Escrivá, who I insist is the competent one, in coordination with the Vice-Presidency for Social Affairs, and that is the path that the Government has decided to take. Let's hope that in a few months we can give birth this new Social Security benefit ". "They are not measures that can be improvised or designed from one moment to the next because they are benefits that are here to stay."

Regarding the calls by Churches to the presidents of large Ibex groups revealed by this newspaper last Monday, Montero has stated that he sees it "logical" to try "to form alliances" for "the economic reconstruction of the country". Iglesias said that these presidents supported the minimum vital income, but the CEOE employer denied after there was agreement on any specific project on this matter.

Escrivá himself has previously insisted that one must wait. It is a time to transmit "certainties" , and when the Government is in a position to carry out the minimum vital income, it will be "the time to announce the measures and put them on the table," Escrivá said in an interview with Antena 3. And he has insisted: this income will be carried out "permanently", not in the form of a bridge, and will reach close to a million homes.

At the same time, the head of Social Security has also wanted to take advantage to deny any confrontation within the Government regarding the minimum vital income, and has stressed that there is "enough harmony". However, these words clash with those transmitted in the last hours from the vice-presidency of Churches, stating that everything possible would be pressured to achieve approval in the coming days, or with what the own leader of Podemos has transmitted through the party's social networks.

A video was published from the party's Twitter profile last night in which Iglesias affirmed that it is "an urgent measure" and that it is "essential" that it be carried out "as soon as possible" , while defending that no citizen It may "fall behind" and that the approval of the vital income was also a good tool to stimulate consumption and accelerate the economic recovery.

That is, Podemos was pressing again with this measure, and in fact has retweeted its publication just a few hours ago, almost the same time that Escrivá stated that in no case was it expected to be approved in the Council of Ministers on Tuesday, and He stated that although "it is accelerating to the maximum", there are still steps to take.

"It should have gone through the delegated commission on economic affairs, have an economic report and the commission of undersecretaries, a whole process that requires a series of guarantees and contrasts and that we have not yet reached that point, " he said.

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