Teller Report

Resumption of activity: the government will take care "not to expose" people at risk

4/14/2020, 6:19:25 PM

Invited on Tuesday from Europe 1, the government spokeswoman & nbsp; Sibeth NDiaye spoke of the return of millions of French people to their workplace from May 11. & nbsp; & quot; We will take special care not to expose the people at risk & quot;, she says. & nbsp;

Invited on Tuesday from Europe 1, government spokeswoman Sibeth NDiaye spoke of the return of millions of French people to their workplace from May 11. "We will take special care not to expose those at risk," she says.


By announcing on Monday evening the extension of confinement until May 11, Emmanuel Macron paved the way for a gradual resumption of activity from this date, while millions of French confined people are currently on partial unemployment, or are exercising their profession in teleworking from home. But, while the virus will still be circulating on the territory, will those "at risk" also be forced to return to their place of work? Invited on Tuesday from Europe 1, government spokeswoman Sibeth NDiaye assured that the executive would take care "not to expose these people".

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Tuesday April 14

"Do not expose these people to the risk of contamination"

The fact of being a person at risk profile, like people with chronic diseases, or having co-morbidity factors, "is a reason for which one can exercise his right of withdrawal in his business or be led to privilege telework , while physical presence could be possible inside the company, "recalls Sibeth Ndiaye, assuring that" the objective is to maintain protections towards people who present these profiles of fragility ".

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"We will take special care not to expose these people to the risk of contamination," insists the government spokesperson. And to conclude: "All this will be part of the elements that we will have to discuss in the next 15 days to present a deconfinement plan".

Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said Tuesday that he would present "a complete plan to get out of containment" when it is ready ", in any case" well before the date of May 11 ", adding that he had to" be worked on ".