Teller Report

Pulse between Trump and the governors for the economic reopening

4/14/2020, 7:19:08 PM

Donald Trump has returned to give a coup d'état to make clear who is the highest authority in the United States' response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was he who announced e

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Donald Trump has returned to give a coup d'état to make clear who is the highest authority in the United States' response to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was he who announced the measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus in March and it will be he and he alone who decides when those recommendations are raised, in a message addressed to the governors who have rebelled in the midst of the debate on the economic reopening.

"The false news media say that it is the decision of the governors to open the states, not the president. Let it be completely clear that this is incorrect. It is a decision that corresponds to the president and for many good reasons, " Trump wrote in a message. published on his Twitter account with which he tried to end a debate that has only just begun.

According to the president, it is up to the federal government to decide when and how to start relaxing social isolation measures to start reopening the country's economy, and it is planning to do so starting in May. But the governors of some of the major states have reminded him that the tenth amendment to the Constitution clearly states that there are responsibilities that lie solely with the states .

In an attempt to no longer tighten the rope, Donald Trump assured that his intention is to continue working "closely" with state governments to fight the coronavirus. But prominent emerging figures during this health crisis, such as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, have responded immediately and forcefully.

In the United States, " we do not have a king Trump, we have a president, " Cuomo said Tuesday in his daily press conference to talk about managing his response to the coronavirus. "If he orders me to reopen (the economy) in such a way that the public health of the population in my state is endangered, I will not do it," warned the New York governor, whose popularity has risen like foam in recent weeks .

Cuomo, like the governors of other states on the east coast of the country such as Connecticut, Rhode Island or Massachusetts, have joined forces to remind the current White House tenant that state governments have the last word on some matters that they only concern the states. " We don't want a constitutional challenge from the federal government because it would end up in court and nobody wants that," he added.

In any case, the Democratic leader also tried to reach out to Donald Trump and insisted that now is not the time to do politics but to "work together and find quick solutions" to this unprecedented health crisis. " If the president wants a fight, he will not find it with me, " added Cuomo, the main authority in New York State, which has become the epicenter of this worldwide pandemic.

25,000 deceased

According to the latest data updated by the John Hopkins University website about the coronavirus, until this Tuesday almost 25,000 people had died in the United States, while the number of positives recorded throughout the country is already above 584,000. The worst part is borne by the state of New York, where 10,000 deaths have already been exceeded and there are more than 195,000 infections .

True to his style, the president turned to his loudspeaker on social media again to try to discredit the governor. " Cuomo has been calling daily, even hourly, begging for everything , things that should be the responsibility of the states, such as new hospitals, beds or ventilators. We have given him everything and now he seems to want independence. That is not going to happen" the White House chief tweeted.

Finally, he reminded Democratic governors that "Rebellion on Board" is one of his favorite movies of all time. "An old-fashioned riot from time to time is fine and can even be stimulating, especially when the mutineers need their captain so much, " he settled.

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