Teller Report

Philippe promises a "complete plan" of deconfinement well before May 11

4/14/2020, 3:04:19 PM

Emmanuel Macron instructed the government to prepare a plan to escape containment

Edouard Philippe, March 28, 2020 in Paris. - VAN DER HASSELT / POOL / SIPA

Many questions still remain on deconfinement in France, while Emmanuel Macron advanced Monday evening the date of May 11 for the end of containment measures. This Tuesday, Edouard Philippe promised "a complete plan of exit" and of resumption of the activities "when it will be ready", in any case "well before the date of May 11", by specifying that it had to "be worked".

"The President of the Republic asked the government to prepare a complete exit plan, an overall plan, I will have the opportunity to present it when it is ready, well before the date of May 11. But it must be worked in consultation with many actors to be truly up to the challenges, "said Edouard Philippe during the session of questions to government in the National Assembly.

Questions still pending, especially on school

"It is up to the government to put in place the instruments, methods, employment doctrine, coordination necessary to ensure that these objectives recalled by the President of the Republic are achieved, this is what we are working on "Detailed the Prime Minister.

The head of government assured that "around May 11, we will have been able to reduce the number of patients in intensive care, we will have been able to allow the hospital to resume a form of capacity in the face of incredible stress, in the face of the intensity of the first wave he had to face ”.

Regarding schools, which the Head of State said they could reopen "gradually" from May 11, Edouard Philippe estimated that this could translate "perhaps by an adapted form of reopening of schools" , in a functioning "different" from normal, and by warning that he did not want "on this point to announce anything definitive". “There is an imperative (back to school) that is real, it cannot be done at the cost of health, of course. It must be combined with the need to preserve the health of our fellow citizens, to guarantee compliance with health rules, "he insisted, stressing that he wanted to prevent social inequalities from widening as regards access to education.


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  • Video
  • Covid 19
  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • Society
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • Edouard Philippe