Teller Report

Multiple hardcore initiatives! See how reinstatement and reinstatement do "real work"

4/14/2020, 8:25:30 AM

Yunda Duan Guohai Duan, after contacting the recipient, is delivering pictures to the express cabinet in the Yongxu Jiayuan community of Yinghai Town, Daxing / Daxing District Government

How to "really work hard" when resuming production?

On April 8th, General Secretary Xi Jinping chaired the Politburo Standing Committee meeting and pointed out that we must insist on accelerating the full recovery of production and life in the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and do everything possible to create conditions that are conducive to resumption of production and production. Cycle, economic and social cycle. The orderly restoration of production and life is not a "flower-and-blood", but it requires real work, not only practical measures but also the responsibility of doing good, it can also be said that it is also a consideration of "governance wisdom". The Beijing Youth Daily reporter recently visited some communities, parks, enterprises and social public service places, and recorded the feasible measures for resuming production under normalized prevention and control.

"Express into the community":

The transformation of community prevention and control from emergency to "normal"

On April 11, Cai Qi, secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, went to the grassroots community to check the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, and proposed to improve the normalization mechanism of community prevention and control, optimize the prevention and control measures, and promote the transformation of community prevention and control from emergency to normalization.

Normalization means that some short-term emergency measures need to be adjusted. In an emergency, many regions have implemented closed management to restrict couriers from entering the community. However, with the change in the prevention and control situation, this "restriction" has gradually revealed the drawbacks of untimely delivery of express mail and excessive concentration of pickup people. A reporter from the Beiqing Daily saw at the door of Huaye Rose Community in Tongzhou District that the courier distributes the courier in the middle of the two buildings every morning and afternoon. Some residents said, "It looks like the bazaar, the people are gathered together, which is not conducive to Epidemic prevention and control. "

The reporter of the Beijing Youth Daily learned that recently, the community of Yongxu Jiayuan Community, Yinghai Town, Daxing District, Honglidian Nanli Community, Taoranting Street, Xicheng District, and CITIC Xiyuan Community have made new regulations to meet the requirements of epidemic prevention and control in express delivery and take-out personnel. Under the premise of, you can enter the community for delivery, but neither can enter the building or the bungalow.

In the Yongxu Jiayuan community in Yinghai Town, Daxing District, the express delivery company signed a "Corporate Integrity Commitment Letter" with the community and provided proof of the physical condition of each courier. In the town, the couriers and takeaways of 14 communities within the jurisdiction have obtained access permits. Before entering the community to send a piece, they also need to provide identification and 14-day quarantine proof. They can only enter the community after checking the health status, temperature test, and access card verification through the "Beijing Healthbao" on the spot.

Grasp the epidemic prevention and ensure the progress

Two aspects of hard-core measures to ensure the resumption of production and production of enterprises

As an important carrier of the cultural tourism function of Beijing's urban sub-center, can Beijing Global Resort be able to open the park next spring as scheduled? It must be said that this is a "big test" for resuming work and real work. The reporter of the Beijing Youth Daily learned that the project party has grasped the epidemic prevention on one hand, the progress on the other, and the "hard core" on both hands. In terms of epidemic prevention, point-to-point workers are admitted into the site; the "three zones" of the living area, isolation area, and observation area of ​​each bid section are pioneered. Workers enter the advanced observation area. After living for 14 days, they can enter the living area without any abnormalities. Once found Persons with abnormal body temperature immediately enter the isolation area, and are transported to the designated hospital for diagnosis and treatment by a dedicated car. The whole process is closed-loop management; in the resumption of work, the "unit operation method" is implemented to fix the dormitory and promote the upstream and downstream industries in a unified manner. Feel the "progress" of the project and open up the industrial cycle. It is understood that the total number of construction personnel on site exceeded 20,000, and now all have entered full load. The project manager said that if you go on like this, the target for next year can be expected! It should be said that grasping epidemic prevention on the one hand and progress on the other hand have become the standard of key projects in this city. The Shougang Park Winter Olympics and supporting construction projects, the three major buildings of the city's sub-center, and the city's green heart have all resumed. There are 180 continuation projects in the city's key projects, and the resumption rate has reached 97%. The city's 2130 projects under construction above the scale were fully resumed.

Jingdong Su, the express courier, showed the pass and measured the temperature, then entered the Yongxu Jiayuan Community in Yinghai Town for the map / Daxing District Government

Booking a ticket will become a new habit of amusement park

The amusement park is strictly guarded against wearing a mask without being put on a "black list"

"In the future, making appointments to visit municipal parks will become a new habit for everyone to travel in the park." At the 76th news conference on the prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia outbreak held in Japan on April 9, Zhang Yahong, deputy director of the Beijing Park Management Center, said The reservation flow restriction measures can allow visitors to be evenly distributed in time and space, which is a powerful measure to ease the pressure of the park under the new situation of epidemic prevention and control and promote the citizens to restore normal cultural life.

"Please prepare your ID cards in advance, no need to redeem paper tickets!" April 11 is the first day of Yuyuantan Park's real-name reservation for ticket purchase and admission. The staff came to the park gate early in the morning to guide tourists Orderly swipe your ID card to enter the park.

Ms. Chen, who lives nearby, came to the west gate of the park deliberately early. She purchased the tickets through the real name of the "Changyou Park" WeChat public account one day in advance. "Compared to before, the real-name ticket purchase has an additional process of entering the ID number, but it is not troublesome to operate. After all, it is still in the epidemic prevention and control period. After all, I think it is very necessary to book a tour to reduce the number of people gathered. "

In order to meet the public's needs for amusement parks, 10 municipal parks have insisted on opening wide outdoor areas during the epidemic, and the only temporarily closed Beijing Zoo was reopened in late March. However, in view of the situation of epidemic prevention and control, there can be no gathering and gathering in the park. Therefore, a small "threshold" has been added to the municipal parks-reservation flow restriction. At the same time, the Municipal Landscaping Bureau also stipulated that 13 kinds of behaviors such as not wearing masks will be included in the "blacklist" of uncivilized behaviors in the garden.

Reservation means that visitors need to log in to the designated online ticketing platform of the park 1 to 7 days in advance, select the tour date and time period to reserve tickets in advance; current limit means that the park controls the flow of tourists according to 30% of the instantaneous carrying capacity and implements "local control" , Slowing down the entrance to the park, suspending entrance to the park and other dynamic current limit management and control measures.

At present, the city has gradually opened time-sharing ticket reservation functions for 7 municipal parks including Yuyuantan, Taoranting, Jingshan, Beihai, and the Summer Palace, of which 5 have adopted the real-name system. Zhang Yahong said that the current time-sharing ticket reservation function of the municipal park is only for tourists who purchase tickets. In the future, the coverage will be further expanded, and all groups of tourists such as individual passengers, teams, and monthly tickets will be included in the management. To this end, the city park management center is actively building a multi-functional smart ticketing platform, through the collection and analysis of big data, to carry out refined management and humanized services.

Foreshadowing respect, order and tolerance

"One meter line" has become the civilization line and order line of new life

During the visit, a reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily found that the "one-meter line" is becoming a new civilized habit of the citizens during the epidemic prevention and control period. Whether it is at the underground taxi waiting station of Beijing West Railway Station, the bus station and taxi dispatch station of Beijing South Railway Station, Still in the business supermarket, government office and other places, the "yellow reflective marking line" every other meter on the ground is particularly eye-catching. This simple symbol is internalized in the actions of each citizen and represents the civilized connotation of mutual respect, order of life and social tolerance.

"Because I love you, one meter away from you", such propaganda can be seen everywhere in Shijingshan. According to Zhou Xisong, deputy district governor of Shijingshan District, Shijingshan District has fully launched the "One-meter Noodle" operation. There are 72 medical institutions, 54 large supermarkets and community food shops, 40 bank outlets, communication business offices, and post offices in the district. , 161 commercial buildings and other public places have set up 8,500 "one-meter lines" to allow the masses to line up consciously and maintain a one-meter distance from each other to maximize the safety of the masses and create a safe and secure social environment.

It is understood that in order to ensure the orderly resumption of business in the area, Shi Jingshan has taken comprehensive control measures of “one meter and one yard”. “One meter” means that commercial buildings have a safe one meter line at the entrance and elevator waiting area, “one yard” That is to use the new crown epidemic prevention and control intelligent system in Shijingshan District to develop a QR code scanning module for building personnel registration. At present, the 161 buildings in the district have all realized the "one floor and one code" system, which can effectively control the flow of people entering the building, accurately grasp the situation of enterprise employees, and achieve scientific management and control.

At the west gate of Yuyuantan Park, tourists swipe their ID cards to enter the park. Photo / Reporter Guo Qian

Li Sufang, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, told a press conference on the prevention and control of the Beijing New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic in Beijing on April 12 that 4408 major commercial buildings in the city have been reworked. In order to better implement the prevention and control measures, Beijing has clarified the responsibilities and prevention and control requirements of office enterprises, owners, and property units in the building, proposing that "the office spacing of staff on duty should be no less than one meter, and the area used by each person should be no less than one meter. 2.5 square meters "requirement. In Zhou Xisong's view, "the one-meter noodle is not only a lifeline, but also a health line, an order line and a civilization line after the epidemic is completely over."

Off-peak, anytime, self-help

"Government unmanned supermarket" reduces aggregation and improves efficiency

"During the epidemic, there were pregnant women who were delayed in applying for a birth permit, the hospital could not establish a file, and could not carry out the normal pregnancy and delivery test; some residents delayed payment of traffic violation fines, and vehicles had expired annual inspections. For citizens, many government affairs can not be delayed or delayed." The relevant person in charge of the Mentougou District Government Affairs Bureau said that under the premise of normalization of epidemic prevention, in order to ensure the normal life of residents and the production of enterprises, the city ’s first "government unmanned supermarket" was launched in the lobby of the first floor of the Mentougou District Administrative Service Center. In the 24-hour citizen self-service center, through self-service methods, citizens can conveniently handle more than 1,000 service matters in a "one-stop" manner.

For example, in the "Supermarket" "Public Service Alliance" functional area, it can handle inquiries, report installation, payment, repairs, and complaints for public services such as water, electricity, gas, heat, communications, and television; in the "Financial Matrix" The functional area can handle bank deposits and transfers, water and electricity heating payment, traffic violation payment, provident fund inquiries and printing; birth certificates, marriage certificates, temporary residence permits, ID cards, etc. can also be inquired and applied in the "100-card supermarket".

"By staggering, at any time, and intelligently, not only do you do not need to get together, but also do things accurately, which improves the efficiency of the work." According to the relevant person in charge of the Mentougou Administration Bureau, each self-service machine is equipped with no-clean disinfectant, and Every day, there are special people to disinfect the hall by time.

Text / reporter Li Zewei Pu Changting Wang Bin Liu Jing


"Three orderly" management method accumulates experience for "Express delivery into the community"

Interviewer: Li Hualong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Yinghai Town, Daxing District

Beiqing Daily: When did the "Express Delivery into the Community" begin? What effect has it been implemented so far?

Li Hualong: In order to normalize the epidemic prevention measures and restore the normal life of the residents, the town issued the "Guide to Yinghai Town on the orderly release of express delivery and takeaway work (trial)" on March 25 and implemented it on March 26. . It has been more than half a month since the implementation of the measure. We have calculated the data of Yongxu Jiayuan Community. It turns out that nearly half of the people who enter and leave the community every day are for express delivery. , More scientifically reducing the risk of residents gathering.

Beiqing Daily: How do couriers and takeaways enter the community, how to prevent and control epidemic prevention and ensure the safety of residents?

Li Hualong: First of all, at the bayonet of the community, couriers and takeaways are required to provide identification and 14-day quarantine certificates, and they can only enter the community after checking the health status, temperature detection, and access card verification through the "Beijing Healthbao" on site. Not only the smart express box was opened in the small area, but also the designated areas for delivery were set up in sub-buildings and sub-units in free locations in the community to ensure that couriers and takeaways did not enter the building for "contactless" delivery.

Beiqing Daily: Which courier companies and communities have signed the "Corporate Integrity Commitment"?

Li Hualong: We have applied for community access cards for couriers and takeaways in 14 communities within the jurisdiction. The prerequisite for the certification is that the courier company must sign a "commitment letter" with the community and provide proof of the courier's physical condition. Taking the Yongxu Jiayuan community as an example, in addition to, the community has successively signed relevant agreements with several express companies such as SF Express, Yuantong and Zhongtong to ensure that residents can enjoy express delivery services during the epidemic.

Beiqing Daily: Will the "Express to the Community" management method become a normalized measure? How will the work be improved?

Li Hualong: Through the actual needs and conditions of the communities in the area under the jurisdiction during the epidemic, we will provide policy for the community to facilitate residents and provide experience for further scientific management of community express delivery in the future. Through the orderly management of delivery personnel, the orderly sorted express delivery method and the orderly and safe scientific delivery express, the "three orderly" management work methods were introduced, and the mode of express delivery into the community was gradually restored. In the next step, the scope of use of relevant management measures will be extended to food delivery staff, water delivery staff, dairy product delivery staff, and housing intermediaries to further facilitate the daily life of the masses and ensure the living needs of residents. Text / Reporter Pu Changting