Teller Report

Le Pen judges "unreasonable" to reopen schools from May 11 - France 24

4/14/2020, 7:10:13 PM

Le Pen considers it "unreasonable" to reopen schools from May 11

Paris (AFP)

Marine Le Pen ruled Tuesday "unreasonable and partly incomprehensible" the decision announced the day before by Emmanuel Macron to reopen schools from May 11.

Saying "not convinced" by the address of the Head of State, the president of the National Rally particularly criticized on France Info the resumption of classes, which she had considered before the intervention "more reasonable" to postpone in September .

To reopen "the schools on May 11 seems to me unreasonable and partly incomprehensible to the French," she said. "They do not understand why he (the government) lets children be together at 30 sometimes in classes with little ones who cannot respect barrier gestures (...) while, at the same time, reopening is prohibited shops and restaurants, "she adds.

Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer said Tuesday that the reopening would not happen "overnight".

In addition, Marine Le Pen again called for "offensive confinement" because "if we do not prepare for deconfinement, we risk missing it". "I have the feeling that we will come out (from May 11) of this confinement and that for two months nothing will have happened", in particular on the distribution of the masks and on the tests. "Masks have been announced to us for a month and a half and we still don't see them coming," she regrets, proposing to authorize pharmacies to obtain supplies from private distributors.

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