Teller Report

Huangshan Scenic Area: From 15th, the maximum carrying capacity of tourists entering the mountain will be adjusted to 15,000

4/14/2020, 2:52:42 PM

China News Service, April 14th, on the evening of the 14th, the website of the Huangshan Scenic Spot Administrative Committee published the "Announcement on Matters Related to Recent Tourism Reception of Huangshan Scenic Spot" (hereinafter referred to as the announcement). The announcement pointed out that from April 15 onwards, the maximum carrying capacity of the tourists into the Huangshan Scenic Area will be adjusted to 15,000.

Data map: Huangshan strange stone steep peak. Mei Jianshe

The full text of the announcement is as follows:

According to the requirements of the "Notice on Doing a Good Job of Prevention and Control of the Epidemic Situation of Tourism Scenic Spots and Safe and Orderly Opening" of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Health and Health Commission, combined with the actual situation of the Huangshan Scenic Area, the following matters regarding tourism reception are announced as follows:

1. Tourists entering the mountain will implement online real-name appointments in full. Those without online real-name appointments will not be arranged to enter the park.

2. You must apply for a health code before making an appointment, and scan the code when you arrive at the transfer station of the scenic spot for verification.

3. Starting from April 15th, the maximum carrying capacity of the visitors to Rijin Mountain in Huangshan Scenic Area will be adjusted to 15,000.

4. From April 15, Huangshan Nandamen Transportation Co., Ltd. transfer vehicle operating time will be adjusted to 5: 40-17: 00, and the opening time of the scenic spot will be adjusted to 6: 00--17: 30.

5. From April 15th, the transfer point at the south gate of Huangshan is temporarily closed, and tourists will transfer to the park through the transfer center of the New National Line. The opening hours of the North Gate will be announced separately.

6. The Lotus Peak and the Xihai Grand Canyon have been reopened.

7. Each travel agency group must strictly implement the rule of not more than 30 people, and cooperate with scenic spot management departments and enterprises to do epidemic prevention and control work.

Special announcement.

Management Committee of Huangshan Scenic Area

April 14, 2020

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