Teller Report

Coronavirus: with the crisis, "we discover that garbage collectors are essential"

4/14/2020, 1:34:13 PM

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, praised the work of the "second line" on Monday. facing Covid-19, including the garbage collectors. "We discover that we are essential, that they are essential", appreciates & nbsp; Thomas & nbsp; Derichebourg, president of Derichebourg environment, Tuesday on Europe 1.

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, praised the work of the "second line" against the Covid-19 on Monday, including the garbage collectors. "We discover that we are essential, that they are essential", appreciates Thomas Derichebourg, president of Derichebourg environment, Tuesday on Europe 1.


In his thanks addressed to the French on Monday, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron stressed the role of the "second line", which includes garbage collectors, in the health crisis linked to Covid-19. "We discover that we are essential, that they are essential, and without them it would be unsanitary in big cities", said Thomas Derichebourg, the president of the environment branch of the Derichebourg group specializing in waste management, Tuesday on Europe 1.

"We are going to have another look at these people"

"I am extremely proud of all the work they do because they are surprising, they are incredible in the energy they have increased tenfold," adds Thomas Derichebourg. While an unflattering image of the garbage collector profession is sometimes conveyed, "all that will change", he believes. "We are going to have another look at all these people who are there every day and who make sure that public service can be done."

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For the moment, the president of Derichebourg environment observes that the garbage collectors of his company "are very proud, extremely proud in the evening at 8 pm, when there is applause". He does not deny, however, that there were "concerns" regarding the health situation. The company responded by applying "100% of barrier gestures" and other measures such as the ban on three employees in the cabin in front of the trucks.

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"Something will be given"

To thank these employees, "it is obvious that there will be something given," says Thomas Derichebourg about a possible bonus. Discussions are underway but the manager says he wants to "see according to the company" which has "lost a lot of turnover" and of which 15,000 out of 38,000 employees are also partially unemployed.


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As for the possibility of better paying garbage collectors in the future, Thomas Derichebourg would be "delighted to pay more all of these employees" on the condition that "the government decides to make a gesture on this". "These are subjects that are extremely sensitive because we are all regulated by a collective agreement and a given price in the context of public procurement," he concludes.