Teller Report

Coronavirus: for Attali, "preparing for the future means reorienting our economy towards the sectors of life"

4/14/2020, 10:37:13 AM

At the microphone of Europe 1, the economist Jacques Attali returned to the speech by Emmanuel Macron Monday evening, and pleaded for an overhaul of our economic system, with a view to giving priority to the sectors essential to the implementation good living conditions, such as health or education.

At the microphone of Europe 1, the economist Jacques Attali returned to the speech by Emmanuel Macron Monday evening, and pleaded for an overhaul of our economic system, with a view to giving priority to the sectors essential to the implementation good living conditions, such as health or education.


"Let’s know, at this moment, to think outside the box, of ideologies and to reinvent ourselves, me first." In his speech Monday evening, Emmanuel Macron to imply that the crisis triggered by the new coronavirus was to pave the way for an overhaul of our economic system. "For the past month, preparing for the future has reoriented our economy towards the sectors of life, that is to say health, hygiene, food, education and research, all these major fundamental sectors ", reports to the microphone of Europe 1 Jacques Attali, the president of the Positive Planet foundation.

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For this economist, the shortage of protective masks at a time when the world is going through an unprecedented health crisis betrays the errors of an economy which has not given priority to areas essential to living conditions. "In order to be able to get out of confinement at a reasonable time, let's say in a month, half of the French people should have tests and masks. This means that one billion masks should be available per month and two million tests ", estimates Jacques Attali. "It is from now on that the whole of society should mobilize - which is not fiat - to produce masks and tests, as an element of the economy of life, which is the key to 'after."