Teller Report

BOJ Governor Kuroda "The uncertainty of the world economy is extremely high"

4/14/2020, 8:28:08 PM

The IMF said it would fall into a sudden economic downturn beyond 2009 due to the Lehman shock on the global economy ...

BOJ Governor Kuroda “The uncertainty of the global economy is extremely high” 5:21 on April 15

At the press conference, the Bank of Japan's Governor Kuroda said, "The IMF has predicted that the world economy will be hit by a Lehman shock that will hit a sudden economic downturn beyond 2009. It is true that the pressure is increasing. In each country, measures such as going-out restrictions and store restrictions are being taken, which is a major constraint on economic activity. "

In addition, he said, "There is a strong sense of uncertainty about the timing of the global spread of infection. It is one idea that the global economy will recover from the latter half of this year. In any case, the uncertainty is extremely high, and it is necessary to look closely at the impact for the time being. "

"We are confident that this pandemic has pushed down the world economy significantly and that the IMF's outlook is in light of such a difficult situation," said Vice Prime Minister and Finance Minister Aso. I think that it will be a game against the time until, so I think that we must support properly so that it can be developed as early as possible one day. "