Teller Report

63 new cases of Covid-19 confirmed in New Aquitaine

4/14/2020, 4:16:47 PM

Over 3,400 cases of Covid-19 confirmed in the region since the start of the epidemic

Covid-19 patients treated at the CHU Pellegrin, in Bordeaux. - UGO AMEZ / SIPA

The Covid-19 epidemic continues to progress in New Aquitaine with 63 new confirmed cases identified by Public Health France, bringing the total to 3,419 confirmed cases in the region since the start of the epidemic. The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Health Agency (ARS) recalls that these figures do not include all of the Covid-19 untested persons identified by city medicine and that the department figures include cases that have not yet been geolocated and attributed to the laboratory department which carried out the test.

In detail, 866 people are currently hospitalized, i.e. nine more 9 than the previous day, 251 people are currently in intensive care or intensive care (minus eight compared to the previous day), 866 people have been cured of the hospital since the start of the epidemic (38 more than the day before). Since the start of the epidemic, the ARS has deplored 207 deaths among hospitalized persons, 13 more than the previous day.

This Tuesday, according to the declarative data transmitted by the establishments between March 1 and April 14, 246 nursing homes out of 898 in Nouvelle-Aquitaine (i.e. 27.4%) declared one or more possible or confirmed cases of Covid-19 among residents or staff. Of these reports, 865 residents were identified as confirmed or possible cases (suspects with symptoms) Covid-19. Among these possible or confirmed cases, 67 died in institutions and 35 died in hospital.


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  • Bordeaux
  • Aquitaine
  • Covid 19
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  • Coronavirus

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