Teller Report

"Fengfeng Village" in Hebei? Response: Documents for checking temperature

4/14/2020, 4:52:47 PM

"Fengfeng Village" in Qinghe County, Xingtai, Hebei? Mainly for the relevant documents of temperature examination

Beijing News (Reporter Geng Ziye) On April 14th, a villager in Qinghe County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province released a short video of “Zaifeng Village”. To this end, the reporter called Qinghe County to lead the work team to respond to the new coronavirus infection of pneumonia. As far as the relevant situation is concerned, this time the “closure of the village” department has done a better job of epidemic prevention and control, measured the temperature of the villagers entering and leaving the village, and found out the admission certificate. The daily production and life of the villagers will not be affected.

Relevant staff of the Qinghe County Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group stated that in the face of the new challenges to the epidemic prevention and control work caused by the spread of overseas epidemic situations and the opening of the Hubei and Hanli Channels, Qinghe County has once again strengthened the prevention and control measures for communities and villages. Measure the body temperature of the residents entering and leaving the village and check the entry and exit certificates.

On April 12, the Qinghe County Epidemic Work Leading Group issued a notice, which clearly pointed out that anyone who holds a permit for the community, residential area (village), enterprises and institutions can enter and exit if the temperature measurement is normal. Those who do not have a pass must strictly implement the prevention and control requirements such as temperature measurement, health code inspection, scan code to query travel trajectory, and registration. For fever personnel and those who have recently traveled abroad or travel history in Wuhan, Hubei, they must immediately conduct isolation and registration Report to the county defense leader.

"Since the end of January, Qinghe County has begun to take epidemic prevention and control measures, and so far the relevant work has not stopped. This time the" sealing village "is different from the last time, this time mainly to check the temperature of the villagers and check the relevant documents." Qinghe County epidemic prevention The relevant staff of the control leadership group said, "As the temperature of the weather has increased, the school has not yet started school, and the number of people going out has increased. The prevention and control work has been strengthened again. On the one hand, it is to prevent imported cases, and on the other hand, to remind people to wear masks. , Do a good job of protection. "

In addition, for those returning to Qinghe, the epidemic work leading group issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Registration of Returning (Returning) Clearing Personnel in Wuhan Hubei Region", which clarifies the advance registration, the content of the report, the method of transfer, nucleic acid testing, home isolation, etc. Ten items, which require returning personnel from Wuhan, Hubei, to the Qinghe River to go directly to the centralized observation point for two nucleic acid tests. According to the test results, they should be classified into home isolation, centralized isolation, observation and treatment.

The "Announcement" also publicizes the relevant reporting phone. The staff responsible for answering the phone told reporters that no report has been received recently. However, since the unblocking of the Wuhan area in Hubei, we have successively received calls to consult the return trip. "There are currently fewer people returning to Qinghe. Some people postponed their return as soon as they heard that they had to file for procedures, while others simply did not return. "

Beijing News reporter Geng Ziye