Teller Report

The WHO spoke about the peak of the coronavirus epidemic in Russia

4/13/2020, 12:30:51 PM

The representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Russia Melita Vujnovich spoke about the peak of the epidemic of coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the country.

As she noted by RIA Novosti, the peak of the coronavirus epidemic in Russia will pass more quickly if it can stop its transmission between people.

According to her, it all depends on the scale and quality of social distance.

“The sooner the social distance is introduced and the better it will be respected, the faster the cases will be detected and the better the isolation of the sick ... the faster we will see a decrease in the number of infected people,” Vujnović explained.

Along with this, she emphasized the importance of wearing medical masks and hygiene.

Earlier, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova assessed the situation with the spread of coronavirus in the country.

According to recent data, in Russia the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus has reached 18 328.

Professor, Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamalei, the virologist Anatoly Alstein, in an interview with the FAN, described the possible dates for ending the coronavirus infection epidemic in Russia.

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