Teller Report

President of Iran "America is a dangerous virus for human society"

4/13/2020, 11:19:30 PM

Iran's President Rouhani met on the phone with President Maduro of South America Venezuela, who has been sanctioned by the United States ...

President of Iran “America is a dangerous virus for human society” April 14th 6:30

Iran's President Rouhani met with President Maduro of South America Venezuela, who is both sanctioned by the United States, on the phone and criticized the United States as "a dangerous virus for human society." Iran is expected to appeal to the international community that the sanctions of the United States are unjustified as the spread of the new coronavirus continues.

In Iran, more than 73,000 people have been confirmed infected with the new coronavirus, of which 4585 have died.

Amid the spread of the infection, President Rouhani spoke on the telephone with President Maduro of South America Venezuela, which has been sanctioned by the United States on the 13th.

Sanctions have banned Iranian crude oil, which underpins the economy, as well as access to necessary medicines and supplies, and Rohani said in a meeting. "Immediate and unreasonable sanctions are inhumane. American imperialism is a more dangerous virus to human society than the coronavirus."

Iran seems to have the aim of appealing to the international community that the sanctions of the United States are unjustified as the infection continues to spread around the world.

Last month, Iran, together with China and Venezuela, has been intensifying its diplomatic activities by sending a letter to the UN Secretary-General Guterres, calling for efforts to immediately remove the sanctions, saying that economic sanctions make it difficult to control infections. .