Teller Report

More than halving the trade in Örebro - Stina Storm: "We will see a different center"

4/13/2020, 12:28:19 PM

It is a heavy time for shops, restaurants and places offering different forms of treatments. City Örebro estimates that trade has decreased by more than half since the corona crisis started. At the same time, the creative solutions are now sprouting to make the trade survive.

Think globally, shop locally. It is one of City Örebro's slogans and something they are passionate about extra strongly in the economic crisis that the trade is now experiencing.

Alerted staff, empty hotels and shops that go to their knees have become the new everyday life in the coronas center's tracks. It is a serious situation and we will see another center in the near future, that is Stina Storm, CEO of City Örebro, sure.

At the same time, strong emotions are involved.

- There is a resignation, but I am also surprised at how much fighter joy there is. There is a lot of positive out there, says Stina Storm.

Several emergency plans

For some businesses, it rolls out well, compared to others. Both pharmacies and health food stores as well as grocery stores, such as grocery stores, are doing well today. For others, the situation is critical.

- We have a crisis plan, both plan a, b and c. But above all, it is about support packages from the government now. It does not help to put the cost in front of us, but we need financial support. Borrowing and saving liquidity is only short-term. It is not a solution but becomes a cold shower later.

In the video, Stina Storm talks more about the creative solutions that are and are in the center.