Teller Report

Ligue 1: for Jean-Pierre Caillot, "the situation is serious but not hopeless"

4/13/2020, 11:41:26 AM

The president of the Stade de Reims Jean-Pierre Caillot was the guest of Europe 1 Sport on Sunday, to discuss the news of French professional football, in danger with the cessation of competitions since March 13. For the moment, optimism is de rigueur but the Champagne leader is also preparing for the worst, even stopping the championship.

The president of the Stade de Reims Jean-Pierre Caillot was the guest of Europe 1 Sport on Sunday, to discuss the news of French professional football, in danger with the cessation of competitions since March 13. For the moment, optimism is de rigueur but the Champagne leader is also preparing for the worst, even stopping the championship.


While measures have been taken by professional clubs with the temporary drop in wages (the measure has not yet been formalized, it must be validated by Bercy, editor's note), the presidents of the various formations of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 s are busy finding a way out of this pandemic crisis. "The situation is serious, but not hopeless," said Europe 1 boss of the Stade de Reims Jean-Pierre Caillot on Sunday evening in Europe 1 Sport. "We do not hide our heads, we work on all possible scenarios. But we are totally dependent on the decisions of the public authorities."

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"Our duty as leaders is to plan"

And among the plausible scenarios, a resumption of football in France. "We are rather in a phase where we imagine a restart under certain conditions", hopes Jean-Pierre Caillot. "We are not yet at the end of the championship. We must of course think of everything: will the season end on the 28th day? Will it be a white season? All of that , these are also extreme situations to be considered. But we are optimistic people and we can imagine that business can resume. "

Some have also criticized the Professional Football League which has worked on a possible date for the resumption of the season ... 2020/2021 while the current season is not yet over. Jean-Pierre Caillot denies it: "It is our duty as leaders to plan. When we set dates, it may surprise a certain number of people, but we have to imagine a way out of the crisis and see when we can finish this It is our job to put dates on our calendar. We have a second season to start behind, we have to manage to keep everything going. "