Teller Report

Dubai Police released 2527 violations during the restriction of pedestrian traffic and traffic within the national sterilization program

4/13/2020, 11:21:28 PM

The Dubai Police General Command, during the period of restricting pedestrian traffic and traffic within the national sterilization program, filed 2527 violations, by 2,076 warning violations, and eight penal violations, which came in the context of the violation of leaving the house without an imperative or necessity or for reasons other than work or purchasing basic needs

The General Command of Dubai Police, during the period of restricting pedestrian traffic and traffic within the national sterilization program, filed 2527 violations, by 2,076 warning violations, and eight penal violations, which came in the context of the violation of leaving the house without an imperative or necessity or for reasons other than work or purchasing basic needs, and 204 Warning violations, and one criminal offense, within a violation exceeding the number of passengers allowed in a single vehicle, which is more than three people, and finally 233 warning violations, and five criminal violations, within the violation of not wearing medical masks in closed places, or failure to observe the distance between people .

The Dubai Police General Command calls on community members to adhere to the precautionary instructions and procedures that accompany the national sterilization program, in a manner that ensures the preservation of security and safety, especially that the commitment of each of us is a key factor in preserving society, stressing that breaching precautionary instructions puts the person under legal liability.