Teller Report

Coronavirus, Trump retweeted: "Time to fire Fauci"

4/13/2020, 1:10:19 PM

The US government's infectious disease expert pointed out that if the country had been shut down earlier, other lives would have been spared by the coronavirus.

  • Coronavirus. Washington Post: Trump asked Fauci why not flood the US with the virus?
  • Death threats to Anthony Fauci. Stockpile for the virologist who fights coronavirus in the USA
  • In the United States almost 2200 deaths, the epidemiologist Fauci: they could become 200 thousand


April 13, 2020 President Trump publicly expressed concern about Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government's largest infectious disease expert, after the doctor pointed out that if the country had been shut down earlier, other lives would have been spared by the coronavirus.

Trump retweeted a post that ended with the phrase "Time to #FireFauci" ("Time to fire Fauci") of a Republican ex-candidate for Congress, DeAnna Lorraine, and at the same time rejected criticism of her slow response. initial to the pandemic that has now killed more than 22,000 people in the United States.

The president, the New York Times writes, has already shown private irritation towards Fauci, but for the New York newspaper the message on Twitter would be the most explicit signal shown publicly.

"Fauci is now claiming that if Trump had listened to medical experts earlier, he could have saved more lives. On February 29, Fauci told people that there was nothing to worry about and did not pose a threat to the United States in general. Time to #Fire Fauci, "said Lorraine of the tweet. Retweeting this post, Trump added: "I'm sorry, fake news, I banned China long before people spoke."

One of the many tweets with which Trump defended his response to the coronavirus epidemic on Sunday, pointing his finger at China, the World Health Organization, former President Barack Obama, the nation's governors, Congress, Democrats in general. and media. Trump, the New York Times recalls, has blocked the arrival in the US since February 2 of non-American citizens or permanent residents who had been in China in the previous 14 days. But the move did not stop 40,000 Americans and other travelers from arriving in the US after that date. Fauci and other public health experts were initially skeptical that travel restrictions on China would be helpful when the president first considered them, but then they changed their mind.