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Coronavirus: the state of the world facing the pandemic Monday, April 13

4/13/2020, 9:59:10 PM

With 114,539 dead worldwide, the number of Covid-19 victims has doubled in just over a week. In Europe while France extended the confinement until May 11, part of the Espa…

Coronavirus: the state of the world facing the pandemic Monday, April 13

Part of the Spanish have returned to work, mainly in industry and construction. Here in Ronda, southern Spain, April 13, 2020. REUTERS / Jon Nazca

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With 114,539 dead worldwide, the number of Covid-19 victims has doubled in just over a week. In Europe, while France has extended the confinement until May 11, part of the Spanish are cautiously resuming the path of work. In the United States, the rate of contamination seems to be gradually stabilizing, but a poor country like Ecuador is struggling to manage the chaos caused by the epidemic.


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In France, President Emmanuel Macron announced Monday evening an extension of " the strictest " confinement until Monday, May 11 . Date on which all people with symptoms can be tested and patients quarantined. The wearing of a general public mask should be generalized, especially in public transport.

On May 11, nurseries, schools and high schools will gradually start to reopen. But cafes restaurants, hotels will remain closed, and there will be no festival until mid-July.

The head of state announced a specific plan for these sectors hit hard by the pandemic. The partial unemployment and corporate finance measures will be extended, increased and simplified.

Our borders with non-European countries will remain closed. But we must also know how to help our neighbors in Africa, added the head of state by " massively canceling their debts ".

In France, there has been a slight decrease in the number of intensive care patients for the fourth consecutive day, as well as in the number of deaths (310 in 24 hours).

Pope pays tribute to women

Italy remains the country most affected by the pandemic with 19,899 deaths, but the country announced Sunday its least lethal day in three weeks with 431 deaths.

The Pope paid tribute on Monday to women on the front line of this health crisis. " Women doctors, nurses, employees of stores selling basic necessities ... ". Pope Francis also called for support for all those who are victims of domestic violence.

In Spain, work resumes

In Spain, the authorities believe that the peak of the crisis has been passed. There are 17,489 dead, making the country the most mourning in Europe after Italy. But the number of people who have died and the number of new infections in 24 hours are declining.

Part of the Spanish have returned to work, mainly in industry and construction. In stations and on the subway, police and volunteers distributed 10 million masks. For all those who can telecommute, strict confinement remains in place until April 25. For the head of government Pedro Sanchez the country is still " far from victory " against the Covid-19.

Read also: Coronavirus: in Spain, work resumes in fear and controversy

United Kingdom : Boris Johnson continues his recovery

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has been on the brink of death, continues his recovery in the Checkers' official residence, north-west London. The government, under the leadership of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dominic Raab, should announce in the coming days a continuation of the confinement while the country has passed the threshold of 11,000 dead.

Germany : a roadmap to a return to normal

Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected to announce on Wednesday a gradual lifting of containment measures which affect the 80 million Germans and the 16 states regions to varying degrees.

The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, published Monday a report advocating a return in stages. It recommends the reopening “as soon as possible ” of schools closed since March 16. Shops, restaurants could reopen and cultural and sporting events could resume if gestures and distancing measures are respected, the report said. Wearing a mask will be compulsory in public transport.

Germany has 123,013 confirmed cases of Covid-19. A declining balance sheet for the third consecutive day. The pandemic has caused 2,799 deaths in the country, far below the number of victims in France, Italy or Spain.

Austria, the music world hit hard

In Austria, the music world has been hit hard by the coronavirus crisis, particularly in the capital, Vienna, which has been silenced since drastic containment measures were put in place in mid-March.

Vienna has been very quiet for a month: closed theaters, concerts and canceled performances. The coronavirus crisis is hitting musical institutions with full force, like the famous Vienna State Opera of which Dominique Meyer is the director ...

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Isaure Hiace

Turkey : Erdogan refuses resignation of minister

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan refused on Sunday to resign his interior minister. Süleyman Soylu, announcing an abrupt confinement for the weekend, caused panic scenes, with crowds rushing into supermarkets, disregarding all the rules of social distancing.

The United States remains the most mourning country in the world

The United States has 22,109 deaths, but with 557,590 confirmed cases, the rate of infection appears to be stabilizing. South Korean companies are scheduled to send out first test shipments on Tuesday. Several experts believe that the country could be threatened by a second wave of the new coronavirus if the deconfinement were too brutal. In May, as the White House seems to wish.

Dr. Anthony Fauci , chief government adviser, said on CNN that " early warning and containment would have saved lives ." President Donald Trump was quick to retweet a " Time to fire Fauci " " It's time to fire Fauci ".

Ecuador : a symbol of chaos

In Latin America and Ecuador, the economic capital Guayaquil is one of the cities most affected by the pandemic. Hospital and funeral services are overwhelmed . It was therefore special teams of police and soldiers who evacuated some 800 corpses, some of which had been abandoned on the street.

Russia: electronic pass to Moscow

In Russia, the spread of the pandemic has accelerated sharply, with an additional 2,186 cases in 24 hours, reaching a total of 18,328 infected people and 148 deaths. On Monday, President Vladimir Putin acknowledged " shortages " of protective equipment for medical personnel.

Now you need an electronic pass to travel by car or public transport to Moscow, the epicenter of the epidemic. Travel on foot remains free.

Oil production down

On the economic front, Russia, Saudi Arabia and several major producers have signed a historic agreement to reduce their oil production by 10%. As a result of the pandemic, fuel consumption has dropped by 30% worldwide.

► Read here: Oil: Russia's backward movement gives a smile to the OPEC countries

China: epidemic seems contained

In China, the latest official report shows 82,160 people infected and 3,341 dead. The 108 new infected counted between Sunday and Monday are mainly Chinese returning home from abroad. Overall, the epidemic seems to be contained, only two additional local cases have been identified by the Ministry of Health.

Iran: authorized movement within the same province

In Iran, the Middle East country hardest hit by the crisis, the death toll crossed the 4,500 mark on Monday. The Islamic Republic also has 73,303 confirmed cases of Covid-19. Despite this, the Iranians have been authorized since Sunday to circulate within the same province. Across the country, many businesses and businesses have resumed their activity. But not in Tehran, where confinement remains maintained at least until April 18.

Read also: Iran: partial lifting of containment to allow the economy to restart

Pakistan: schools and businesses closed

Pakistan, a giant of 200 million inhabitants, no containment measure has been put in place at the federal level, but four southern provinces have closed schools and businesses. There are currently 93 dead and 5,400 sick. According to the main opponent of the regime of Imran Khan, " the country is going as a sleepwalker towards a disaster ", for lack of having taken the adequate measures.

► Also listen: Is the coronavirus crisis creating a new geopolitical deal?

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Explanation: The origins of the Covid-19

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Practical questions:
→ What is the lifespan of the virus ?
→ How do you treat Covid-19 patients ?
→ What results for the ongoing clinical trials?
How the Institut Pasteur hopes to find a vaccine
→ How to make a mask and use it well

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  • Coronavirus
  • Health and Medicine
  • Containment
  • France

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