Teller Report

Coronavirus: confinement extended until "Monday May 11", announces Emmanuel Macron

4/13/2020, 9:55:07 PM

During his fourth speech in the coronavirus crisis, President Emmanuel Macron announced that "the strictest containment must continue until Monday, May 11".

During his fourth speech in the coronavirus crisis, President Emmanuel Macron announced that "the strictest containment must continue until Monday, May 11".

"Hope is reborn", but the confinement is prolonged. Emmanuel Macron announced that it would continue in France until May 11, Monday, during his television intervention devoted to the coronavirus crisis. "The strictest containment has yet to continue until Monday, May 11," said the head of state. "Monday May 11 will only be possible if we continue to be civic, accountable, obey the rules and if the spread of the virus has actually continued to slow."

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation

"Nothing is acquired"

"Nothing is for granted," said the President of the Republic, who clarified that the most vulnerable, especially those with disabilities, or the elderly, to respect longer confinement. The deconfinement, which will concern "crèches, schools, colleges and lycées" in a "progressive" manner, will not apply on the other hand to universities, which will not reopen "before the summer". Not, either, restaurants, cafes, cinemas or festivals that can not be held.

This date of May 11 was also put forward by Emmanuel Macron as that on which "we will be able to test all people with a symptom". Indispensable, while an Inserm study pointed out that deconfinement could prove catastrophic if a system of massive tests and isolation of infected people were not put in place.

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