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Coronavirus: “the strictest” confinement extended until May 11 in France

4/13/2020, 9:59:16 PM

Emmanuel Macron spoke to the French on Monday evening for the fourth time since the start of the health crisis. The President of the Republic noted that "the epidemic is starting to slow down" ...

Coronavirus: “the strictest” confinement extended until May 11 in France

Emmanuel Macron, Monday April 13, announced the beginning of deconfinement in France for Monday May 11, 2020. Screenshot

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Emmanuel Macron spoke to the French on Monday evening for the fourth time since the start of the health crisis. The President of the Republic noted that "the epidemic is starting to slow down" in France and announced the extension of the confinement until Monday, May 11.


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The head of state addressed the French again on Monday, April 13, while the Covid-19 killed 14,967 people in France. To detail how the government is managing the health crisis due to the coronavirus and how it intends to leave the country, the President of the Republic spoke on many subjects.

Prolonged containment

Despite an epidemic that "is beginning to slow down ", the President of the Republic announced that " the strictest confinement must still continue until Monday, May 11 ".

As of May 11, nurseries, schools, colleges and high schools will gradually reopen their doors. However, special rules will be put in place. Regarding graduate studies, classes will not resume " physically " before the summer. Places open to the public, including bars, restaurants, hotels or museums, will remain closed " at this stage ", announced the president. There will be no festivals " before mid-July ".

Special edition of April 13, 2020 - Speech by Emmanuel Macron


Generalized tests, monitoring and isolation of contaminated people ... The President of the Republic detailed how the deconfinement will be implemented. If the life of the French can partially resume its course, the borders with non-European countries will remain closed " until further notice ".

From May 11, the country will be " able to test all people with symptoms " and the use of the " general public " mask could become " systematic ", says the president. "Altruistic" masks which do not protect the person who wears it but which protect others , recalls Patrick Berche, doctor and member of the National Academy of Medicine.

To clarify all the modalities of deconfinement, within 15 days, the government will present the plan for " after May 11 ". " We must proceed with calm and courage, " said Emmanuel Macron, referring to the risk of a second wave.

" The moment has revealed flaws, inadequacies "

Emmanuel Macron also admitted " shortcomings ". " Were we prepared for this crisis? Obviously not enough but we have faced, "recognized the president raising the subject of blouses, hydroalcoholic gel or masks.

" From the moment these problems were identified, we mobilized to produce and acquire the necessary equipment ," added Emmanuel Macron, however. He also recalled, as in his previous speech, that the executive will draw " all the consequences " of this crisis.

The fact that the president recognizes " a certain number of failures " is " a first in the communication of the executive ", comments on the microphone of RFI Arnaud Benedetti, professor at the Sorbonne university and editor in chief of the political and parliamentary review . However, " it modulates the possible recognition of dysfunctions " by explaining that the situation is not unique to France and that it is experienced by many other countries, says the professor.

Economic aid

To come to the aid of the people most affected by the confinement, the President of the Republic announced several economic aids which must be approved by the Council of Ministers on Wednesday April 15. Thus, economic aid will be paid " without delay " to single people, with children or for precarious students.

Specific aid will also be paid to sectors particularly affected by containment such as tourism, catering, events or the hotel industry. Regarding the partial unemployment measures, which today affect more than eight million employees, they will be " extended and reinforced " assured Emmanuel Macron who asked the banks to postpone the repayment deadlines. A solidarity fund must be set up for the liberal professions and independent entrepreneurs.

For Africa, Emmanuel Macron advocated a massive cancellation of the debt of the countries of the continent to help them fight the pandemic.

►Read: Coronavirus: Emmanuel Macron in turn calls to “cancel” the debts of African countries

Previous speeches

During his previous speeches, in addition to measures to limit travel, close businesses and containment, Emmanuel Macron had already made several announcements. He had notably announced on March 25, during a speech at the military campaign hospital installed in eastern France, the use of the army in the context of Operation "Resilience". A " massive plan " for the hospital was also promised by the executive after the crisis ended.

The objective of these speeches is also, for Emmanuel Macron as for the government, to regain the confidence of the French in their management of the crisis, which has significantly declined in the past two weeks. According to a Label poll, however, it experienced a slight increase of 2 points on Wednesday April 8. 43% of French people say they trust the president to " effectively fight the coronavirus epidemic ".

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  • Coronavirus
  • Containment
  • France
  • Emmanuel Macron

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