Teller Report

A well-known presenter of fleeing from London to spend stone in the countryside

4/13/2020, 12:58:24 PM

Chris Tarrant admitted that he had fled from London, at the beginning of the outbreak of the "Corona" virus, to spend the stone period, at his second home in Berkshire. The presenter of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" Appeared on the "Good Morning Britain" program, Monday, To talk about the drama competition, however, the viewers were a

Chris Tarrant admitted that he had fled from London, at the beginning of the "Corona" virus outbreak, to spend the stone period, at his second home in Berkshire.

The presenter of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" Appeared on the "Good Morning Britain" program, Monday, to talk about the drama competition, but the viewers were more interested in Tarnett's special drama, as he revealed that he left his home in the capital four weeks ago, to move To his country house.

"We left London about four weeks ago and stayed in a house quarantine in a remote area, in Berkshire, last month," he said, continuing, "It is scary, and something terrible is happening." Viewers criticized Tarrant, for admitting that he had fled to his second home, with some calling for him to be fined, by the police.

However, Tarrant may have moved, indeed, before the government adopted a stricter closure, advising the British not to make any unnecessary trips.

An angry viewer wrote, "Chris Tarrant fled from his London home to his country house in Berkshire, with lots of beautiful green pastures. Berkshire police will now fine him," adding, "Tarrant lied about timing." Another said, "Can you ask Chris Tarrant why he went to Berkshire, 4 weeks ago, and he hasn't stayed in London," continuing, "you don't have to feel sorry for people. Stay where you live."