Teller Report

日, 'to a good person' in the confirmed room ... Crappy inspection

4/13/2020, 12:41:21 PM

Learn about other countries. In Japan, the test results of 24 negative people were incorrectly reported as positive. Because of this, an elderly man in his 80s, not a patient, shared the same room with the confirmers for hours.


Learn about other countries. In Japan, the test results of 24 negative people were incorrectly reported as positive. Because of this, an elderly man in his 80s, not a patient, shared the same room with the confirmers for hours.

Correspondent Yoo Sung-jae reports from Tokyo.


Of the 34 additional confirmed speakers announced yesterday by Aichi Prefecture in Japan (24th), 24 were actually negative, but it was later revealed that they were falsely judged as positive.

One of the men in their 80s was confirmed to have been in the same hospital room for two hours with other positive confirmers in a hospital admitted shortly after a positive decision, and the authorities are monitoring the progress.

Another 80-year-old man who died of pneumonia on the day of the judgement had a negative result after being cremated.

Aichi held a press conference late last night and apologized.

[Sakakibara / Aichi Prefecture Sanitary Research Institute Director: (In the course of inspection) It seems that some of the positive specimens were scattered into the air and contaminated other specimens.]

On Saturday, the day of the inspection, it was confirmed that only half of the inspection workers worked on weekdays, and some pointed out that the shortage was caused by an accident.

Among these, 91 infections were confirmed today in Tokyo, and the number of confirmed cases decreased to two digits in six days.

However, of the 166 confirmed yesterday, 87 people were added to only one hospital, confirming a collective infection, and a signboard anchor hosting the evening main news on TV Asahi, a major civilian company, was also confirmed.

Kanagawa Prefecture, where an emergency was issued, said it would be the first in Japan to install a temporary medical facility to accommodate seriously ill patients.

(Video coverage: Chulmin Han, Video editing: Hyunki Jang)