Teller Report

The Ministry of Health conducts 22,000 tests and reveals 387 new cases of Corona

4/12/2020, 10:07:41 PM

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced that it has conducted more than 22,000 new examinations, for different groups in the community, including citizens and residents, and by using the best and latest medical examination techniques, in line with the Ministry's plan to expand and increase the scope of examinations in the country, with the aim of early detection, and counting cases infected with

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced that it has conducted more than 22,000 new examinations, for different groups in the community, including citizens and residents, and by using the best and latest medical examination techniques, in line with the Ministry's plan to expand and increase the scope of examinations in the country, with the aim of early detection and counting cases infected with the emerging corona virus ( Coffid-19) and those who mix with and isolate them.

The intensification of the investigation and examination procedures in the state, and the expansion of the examinations of all citizens and residents, contributed to the detection of 387 new cases of the emerging coronavirus, of different nationalities, all of which are stable and subject to the necessary health care, bringing the total number of registered cases to 4123 cases.

The Ministry announced the death of two cases belonging to Asian infected people, due to the consequences of infection with the emerging corona virus, especially since they were suffering from chronic diseases, and this brings the number of deaths in the country to 22 cases.

She expressed her regret and sincere condolences and condolences to the families of the dead, and her wishes for a speedy recovery for all the injured.

The ministry also announced the recovery of 92 new cases of people infected with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19), and fully recovering from the symptoms of the disease, after receiving the necessary health care since entering the hospital, bringing the total number of recovery cases to 680 cases.

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