Teller Report

The government has been working hard to reduce contact opportunities by 80%

4/12/2020, 8:22:12 PM

To converge the spread of the new coronavirus, the government aims to reduce the number of contact opportunities with people by 80% in the areas subject to the "Emergency Declaration".

The government has been working hard to reduce contact opportunities by 80%, including thorough work from home, April 13 at 5:19.

In order to consolidate the spread of the new coronavirus, the government aims to reduce the number of human contact opportunities by 80% in the areas subject to the "Emergency Declaration". In response to this, the policy is to make sure that employees work from home.

With the spread of the new coronavirus, the government has set a goal of convergence as soon as possible by reducing at least 70% of human-to-human contact opportunities and 80% as much as possible in seven prefectures, including Tokyo, where the Declaration of Emergency was issued. I want to.

However, although the demand for self-restraint has reduced the flow of people in major cities by 60% to 70%, the number of people commuting is not sufficient.

Prime Minister Abe has stated that "in order to end this emergency in one month, it must be realized and the cooperation of other people is indispensable." The policy is to encourage employees to work at home more thoroughly, such as by ensuring that they work at home by at least 70%.

In addition, the government has begun to post data on the website of the Cabinet Secretariat on the website of the Cabinet Secretariat based on the location information of mobile phones and other data.

Although it is not data that represents the amount of opportunities for human contact, I would like the people and businesses to recognize it as a guide and realize their goals.

On the other hand, the lack of high-performance medical masks to prevent infections at healthcare settings has led the government to coordinate the distribution of dust masks, which have similar performance and are owned by industry, instead. We are.