Teller Report

Foreigners throw bicycles to the road and cause traffic jams? Guangzhou police respond

4/12/2020, 5:04:23 PM

China News Service, April 13, according to the official Weibo news of the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, Guangzhou Haizhu Police reported on the evening of the 12th that at 20:50 on the 11th, some owners of a community in Changgang Middle Road were dissatisfied with the property management. In the passage within the small area, several shared bicycles were thrown onto the pavement of Changgang Middle Road (east to west) outside the community, causing traffic jam on this section of the road. After the incident, Haizhu Police immediately dispatched personnel to the scene to control the personnel involved and quickly restore order at the scene. After the incident, some rumors moved online and lied about it and lied that the incident was done by foreigners.

The police said that the owners of the community should reasonably express their demands according to law when they encounter disputes. The police will investigate and punish illegal behaviors such as deliberately disrupting public order and using the Internet to create rumors and cause troubles, and punish them severely.

Screenshot of the official Weibo of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau