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Coronavirus: Le Pen wants massive tests - France 24

4/12/2020, 6:28:17 PM

Coronavirus: Le Pen wants massive tests

Paris (AFP)

Marine Le Pen on Sunday called on the government to have an "offensive strategy" against the coronavirus, notably by massively organizing screening tests to try to stem the epidemic.

"We must not be in a defensive strategy vis-à-vis this health crisis, but on the contrary offensive", so that "the time of confinement, very hard felt by many of our compatriots, is at least useful," said the President of the National Rally on LCI.

"Useful for making urgent decisions now, for example massively testing working people", to "know who is likely to be sick, so that he can be isolated," she said.

According to Marine Le Pen, "there can be no deconfinement", "if there are no massive tests, masks available to the French".

"We must start to disinfect all transport and public spaces, that we are self-sufficient to generalize the masks at the time of deconfinement", she continued: "We must also close our borders, because the worse would be to have a second wave. "

The President of the Republic, who must intervene solemnly Monday evening, "runs a little after the events", she said, denouncing "the inertia of a real bureaucracy that makes one feel that nothing advance ".

Marine Le Pen also considered "reasonable that the children do not return to school before the month of September", as could be envisaged, the conditions not being met.

© 2020 AFP

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