Teller Report

Players are crying because of hundreds of thousands of copyright fees. The copyright of variety music is so expensive?

4/9/2020, 3:42:30 PM client Beijing, April 9 (Ren Siyu) This spring, "Youth 2" contributed a lot to the variety show market. Recently, an audience found that when the seventh episode was opened again, Duan Xiaowei, Zhao Xiaotang and other players' "Love Cycle" has become a "silent cycle". Only a few abrupt cheers and special effects sounds were heard throughout the process. The subtitle reads: "Communicate with the copyright owner, the version is being replaced".

It was normal when it was first aired, and now only the silent picture is left. Why did the copyright of music in variety shows cause controversy?

The "Love Cycle" performance can only be "silently played". Source: Video screenshot

To sing a song, it takes hundreds of thousands?

"Love Cycle" was released in 2010. It is a song in Japanese anime "Bakemonogatari". It was written by Meg Rock, composed and arranged by Shen Qianxiao, sung by Hanazawa Coriander. On the QQ music platform that exclusively broadcasts "Love Cycle" The record company to which this song belongs is Sony Music.

In "Youth 2 of You", the players performed a Chinese adaptation of "Love Cycle", and the subtitles of the screen were marked with an "unofficial adaptation of Chinese lyrics" during the first broadcast. But now when it is opened again, it just "looks at its people and not listens to its sound", and the subtitles are also changed to "version replacement". There is no entry for "Love Cycle" in this collection of variety songs.

Source: Screenshot of the second season of "Youth Have You"

In the early stage of the initial rating, the players Wei Chen and Wang Siyu once laughed at themselves. The song they chose was written by the older sister of the company's older brother. "It's just a friendship, no cost." When Cai Xukun asked if they could show another performance, both of them on the stage chose to remain silent. After the game, they said helplessly because they couldn't pay the copyright fee.

"The program team asked me the first day, if the music needs to be copyrighted, will your company pay for it? I and Wei Chen took their pockets and forget it, just take the 'first stage'."

Some people "silence" because of copyright issues, some give up opportunities because they can't afford copyrights, and others feel guilty for buying copyrights. In the first episode, player Wang Rui suddenly broke down during practice. She cried and complained that the company spent more than 100,000 yuan to buy the copyright of the song "Sunrise", but she did not sing the ideal state when she first rated it. Blame yourself.

Source: Video screenshot

"I just want to be remembered." This player who won the sixth place in the National Finals in 2016 in "Super Girl" did not have many shots in the main film, but these words still shocked the audience: " Thousands of thousands? The copyright of a song is so expensive? "" Now it costs so much to participate in the draft? "

How to define the copyright of musical works?

With the popularity of paid music, more and more knowledge of music copyright has entered the public's eyes. In fact, the influence of music copyright is quite wide. A classic case is that the song "Happy Birthday to You" could not be "sung freely" in the past.

This melody was originally created by a pair of sisters in the United States, formerly known as "Good Morning To All". When Warner Group acquired a group in 1988, Warner Music Copyright Co., Ltd. announced that it owned copyright to the song. Fees are charged to people who use the song commercially, and they can earn $ 2 million in income each year.

It wasn't until September 2015 that the Federal Court of Los Angeles ruled in a copyright case that Warner did not own the copyright of the effective lyrics of "Happy Birthday", and this famous song with more than 120 years of history was really free to use.

The copyright of a musical work usually includes the copyright and adjacent rights of the song and song, which involves multiple subjects such as lyrics, composition, recording, and performers. If you want to cover, adapt or play a song in the film and television works, you need to obtain different authorizations. .

In a certain episode of "Longing for Life", the singer Zhou Bichang sang "The Most Beautiful Expectations" at the request of everyone, but he was "silent" as soon as he sang a sentence. The subtitle wrote: "The song content cannot be normal because the songwriter and the original have not agreed. Play. "

Source: Screenshot of "Longing for Life" video

At present, there is no universal standard for copyright fees for musical works. Last year, Chen Wei, the director-general of "I Am a Singer", said in a media expedition: "There are mines at home to make music programs. Do you know how expensive the copyright fee for covering and adapting a song is?" He revealed. Some music copyright companies even offered a price of 1 million yuan and 1.5 million yuan.

Liang Shumei, senior deputy general manager of copyright management of Jiesheng Pai Song, once said in an interview that the authorized amount of songs in the program is the copyright royalties. Each company depends on the form of the product, the way of using the music copyright and the period of use, and media promotion. The quotations offered vary by channel and region of issue.

For example, on the domestic music copyright commercial distribution platform VFine Music, a piece of background music called "This is HERO", if you choose to purchase for TV series / animation / variety, use method for TV, the authorized region is global, and the authorized period is Forever, the copyright price to be paid is 4032 yuan.

Source: Screenshot from VFine Music's official website

How to avoid music copyright disputes frequently?

In recent years, the copyright issue in music variety shows has repeatedly plunged into controversy. Some programs have covered and adapted songs without authorization. On social networks, Weibo, where original musicians talk to variety shows, has also frequently appeared on hot searches.

In the variety show "Let's Band Together", a singer covered the Nezha band "Circular Highway", and the band members subsequently posted multiple Weibo accused the program team of infringement: "The Nezha band has never authorized any program, in any form, cover "Ring Road." In April last year, Soya Music also issued a statement saying that "Singer" used four songs from "Shallow" and Queens, but did not obtain a license.

Soya Music Copyright Agency (Beijing) Co., Ltd. statement.

Behind the phenomenon of "getting on the train first, and then replenishing the ticket", on the one hand, the user's indifference to copyright awareness, but on the other hand, some people say that music copyright is complicated, and sometimes I don't know where to go to make up the ticket. Although there are copyright collective management organizations like the China Music Copyright Association in China, it cannot cover all original musicians and songs. And if you want to cover, you still need to find the author of the original song and get authorization.

Due to the large number of subjects, the communication of music copyright is also a long-term process. A song may have different copyright owners, and in different distribution regions, there will be respective copyright agencies, or even shared by multiple parties. For example, when Soya Music mentioned the song "Shallow" in the statement, it said "manage some music copyrights". Because there are many creators of this song, copyright agents have also been divided into multiple companies.

According to the street platform news of the music platform, the street sound copyright department spent 8 months to assist the variety show "Summer of the Band" to obtain copyright. "We contacted dozens of copyright companies and consulted the copyright status of hundreds of songs. The specific use of the program, the performance form, and the distribution method after the program has been carefully prepared. " In the program, all the songs covered by the band are marked with very detailed copyright information, including the original song copyright company and the copyright agent company.

Source: Screenshot of "The Summer of the Band"

In addition to careful preparation, another way to avoid infringement is originality. For example, "I am a singer" clearly requires that all songs sung by the singer must be original songs that have never been published. In the "2019 Chinese Music Report" published by your music chart, the proportion of original songs in variety shows in 2019 has been greatly increased, and "original ability" has become one of the most valuable capabilities of singers in variety shows.

With the increase and iteration of domestic variety shows, music variety shows are paying more and more attention to music copyrights. Although the copyright issue is complicated, it requires more rigorous treatment with professional knowledge and jointly respects the growth of original music. (Finish)

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