Teller Report

Messi explodes against the 'fake news': "Thank goodness nobody believes them"

4/9/2020, 10:03:36 PM

Again it has been on social networks where the most vindictive side of Lionel Messi has been seen, who has distanced himself from different rumors that circulated about his figure in recent years.

  • Ronaldinho leaves prison in Paraguay

Again it has been on social networks where the most vindictive side of Lionel Messi has been seen, who has distanced himself from different rumors that circulated about his figure in recent days. From the time he had paid Ronaldinho's bail to get out of jail until he went to sign for Inter Milan.

It was on his Instagram account again that the Barcelona star exploded. First about the insinuations that placed him at Inter next year. "I think it is not a forbidden dream at all. He is in the final stretch of his contract and it would certainly be a tremendous effort to bring him here. Lautaro is a good boy, but we are going to see if he is part of an operation for them to arrive more important players, like Leo Messi, "Massimo Moratti had declared, leaving the door open for rumors.

Later, on the information that assured that he had paid the bail of his former partner Ronaldinho Gaúcho so that he would leave the Paraguayan prison and could continue under house arrest. Messi used the Argentine media TNT Sports to deny everything. He captured the images from the news and wrote "Lie number 1" (Thiago Alcántara will go to Inter with Lionel Messi) and "Lie number 2" (Ronaldinho's bail was paid from a Barcelona account. Will Messi have paid it? ?), in addition to covering everything with the inscription: "Fake news".

"What they said in this same media about Newe'lls a few weeks ago was also false. Thank goodness nobody believes them ...", concluded Leo.

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  • Barcelona
  • Instagram
  • Leo Messi
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