Teller Report

Video: Hamad Hamami releases neighbors from his balcony in Dubai

4/8/2020, 9:48:58 PM

With dreams that love violin, and a firm belief that music is a cross-cultural language and defy crises of all kinds, the founder and leader of the “Sharq” orchestra and Syrian violinist, Mohamed Hamami, offer a dose of hope mixed with dreams from his balcony in Dubai, to all the neighbors who listen daily

With dreams that love violin, and a firm belief that music is a cross-cultural language and defy crises of all kinds, the founder and leader of the “Sharq” orchestra and Syrian violinist, Mohammed Hamami, offer a dose of hope mixed with dreams from his balcony in Dubai, to all the neighbors who listen daily with passion For his music, clap for him and his initiative to send all this joy outdoors and the horizon that brings them together.

Hamami began playing on the balcony of his apartment in "Motor City", to present through the humanitarian message a message urging to stay at home, abide by the state guidelines for domestic isolation to limit the spread of the new Corona virus, and enjoy all available at home.

Hamami began offering this dose of joy to the neighbors about a week ago, so the start was fraught with a kind of shame and hesitation about the extent to which the neighbors accepted this step, but their encouragement made him perform his daily rituals with a specific schedule and date.

Message and entertainment

About this initiative, Hamami told «Emirates Today»: “The musicians in Italy started playing from the balconies with the start of the application of home insulation, and the idea is beautiful, because windows are the only way to communicate with neighbors and people, so I thought that I could provide music to urge others to stay at home And entertain them, and I made two appointments for playing, at six o’clock and eight thirty in the evening.

He added, "At six o'clock, I offer the oldest beats carrying energy, but at half past eight, the oldest bits carry a calm and quiet touch, and many prefer this musical color at that time."

Before the experiment began, Hamami played from inside the house, directly via his own platforms on social media, but before presenting any presto he was asking some questions related to the pieces through his own page, such as knowing the name of the musical author, to urge people to interact with music, research, and create Positive rather than negative moods on social media.


Hamami believes that music crosses cultures, and it carries a relaxed and beautiful language to convey positive messages. “Through the generations, music has been a true mirror of society. In victories and joy we always find music at the forefront of photographing these cases, as it plays a general picture of everything that happens and provides positive energy, and it also supplies One has culture, because my initiative makes people get to know different types of music, just as my portrayal of playing directly through social media made me find that the message reaches all nationalities, despite the different languages ​​and in more than one country in the world ».

Erythema does not deny the existence of tension and anxiety in the light of this atmosphere that we live in, but it confirms that a mature musician is more connected with the real way of life, and that is far from any conflicts and negative energy, so what happens carries with it fear and panic, but the music makes one more stable and connected with Same, and very positive.

He said, "Music triumphs, and over time, and with historical and cultural slopes, there is always joy in closing. On social occasions, expression is through music that overcomes all crises."

He noted that for him art is a message, and in order to succeed, it must be fully committed «and my message as a composer has reached people a long time ago, but today I am keen on downloading artistic social and human message more, in these difficult circumstances, the positive energy that I publish provides me as an artist with the will and energy to present More support in feelings until victory is achieved. ” Hamami chooses the pieces that carry energy at the sixth, including "a sweet word and two words .. sweet oh my country" for the late Dalida, and the song "It was the most beautiful day" by the artist Mohamed Abdel Wahab, in addition to the songs Fairuz preferred and loved by all, including Western nationalities, while at the eighth Half of the night, he plays non-loud songs, including those of Umm Kulthum, focusing at the present time on music that calls for joy and moves joy within the human being.

Musical biography

Mohamed Hamami works in teaching music, is an assistant professor at the university, and preparing a PhD in Britain on the relationship of documentation and history of classical Arabic music. He founded the "Sharq" orchestra 12 years ago in Dubai, and its idea is to assemble musicians of all nationalities to play classical Arabic music. It includes 70 to 90 musicians from 36 nationalities, and the international and Arab music orchestra plays 70%. Today, he is working on presenting a new album of his special compositions entitled "Passport - Tourism of Muhammad Hamami", and he is seeking to release it soon, as he composed 15 musical compositions.

UAE national anthem

On interacting with his playing from the balcony, musician Mohamed Hamami said: “In the beginning, I played the Emirati national anthem, so people stopped and clapped and listened with great silence.” He pointed out that he noticed that the children sang the anthem accompanied by his music, and among them even foreigners did not know the Arabic language but rather they sang the anthem With their style.

He noted that when he finishes playing, applause and comments are heard from distant buildings, as many are keen to express their reactions, despite the distances and although they do not see him.

- Be sure to upload a more social and humanitarian message to my technician under these difficult circumstances.

- At six in the evening I played the oldest pieces with energy, but at half past eight I played quiet pieces.