Teller Report

Tourist rentals prohibited until April 15 in Seine-Maritime

4/8/2020, 2:50:46 PM

The purpose of this prefectural decree is to "ensure the effectiveness of the principle of confinement" and does not concern the accommodation of professionals or precarious people

The cliffs of Étretat, in Seine-Maritime. - SUPERSTOCK / SUPERSTOCK / SIPA

The prefect of Seine-Maritime published on Tuesday a decree banning the rental of "tourist accommodation in the department". The measure will remain in effect until April 15. Pierre-André Durand's decision comes "in the context of the state of health emergency declared by the Government to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic", specifies the official text also relayed by Paris Normandie .

The local authorities thus intend "to ensure the effectiveness of the principle of confinement which is the essential tool to limit the tensions on our resuscitation capacities". The temptation not to follow the instructions given by the government may indeed increase "when the spring break begins and when the weather conditions become more favorable," they said.

Authorized professional accommodation

The prefectural decree stipulates that certain types of housing provision remain authorized. This is particularly the case for “professional hotel accommodation” and “emergency accommodation for precarious people”. The ban therefore mainly targets "hotel room rentals for tourist purposes and seasonal rentals, including via connecting platforms".

The text indicates that the prefects of other coastal departments such as Manche, Calvados and Somme "have issued equivalent orders". Nationally, the Secretary of State for Transport, Jean-Baptiste Djebarri, advised the French on the same day to wait before making their reservations for the summer holidays.


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  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • Tourism
  • Rental
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