Teller Report

The Ministry of Health is conducting 539 thousand examinations to detect "Corona"

4/8/2020, 10:12:26 PM

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced that 539,195 tests were conducted to detect infections with the Corona virus, while 300 new cases of HIV infection were monitored and recorded for different nationalities, identified through contacting those who had previously announced infections, bringing the number of cases that

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced that 539,195 examinations were conducted to detect infections with the Corona virus, while 300 new cases of HIV infection were monitored and recorded for different nationalities, identified through contact with those who had previously announced infections, bringing the number of diagnosed cases to 2,659 So far injury case.

It also announced the similarity of 53 new cases of recovery, as they fully recovered from the symptoms of the disease after receiving the necessary health care since their admission to hospital, while the number of cases of recovery so far reached 239 cases.

This came during the twelfth periodic briefing, to the Emirates government to keep abreast of the latest developments related to the emerging corona virus (Covid-19).

The Minister of Health and Community Protection, Abdul Rahman Al-Owais, stressed during the briefing that the exceptional circumstances in which we live demonstrated the cohesion and solidarity of the people of the UAE, citizens and residents, which was reflected through their remarkable commitment to the preventive measures announced.

He said: "The priority, through our health sector, was to increase and expand the scope of examinations in the country, and thus success in early detection, confining cases and contacts and isolating them, as we have allocated advanced centers in the UAE to examine the new corona virus, in addition to using the latest technology and technologies used in this field."

Al-Owais added: “Today in the UAE we reached a record number of examinations, and within a short period, 539 thousand and 195 examinations have been conducted so far, pointing out that the number of examinations indicates the state’s keenness to combat the emerging corona virus, and it reflects in At the same time, the strength of our health system and the efficiency of our medical personnel, and this number will double during the coming period, stressing that “the health and safety of citizens and residents is a priority, and it is a national responsibility that everyone shares.”

For his part, Abdullah Al-Naimi, the acting undersecretary for communication and international relations at the Ministry of Human Resources and Resettlement, said: “The labor market is one of the sectors directly and widely affected by the repercussions of (Corona), as the Ministry, in coordination with the National Authority for Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management, prepared a comprehensive national program to support Labor market stability in the private sector. The national program to support the stability of the labor market in the private sector focuses on three axes: employment, settlement and administrative support for private sector enterprises.

He added: “The employment axis witnessed the implementation of a package of preventive measures, for workers in the private sector, including limiting gatherings in the workplaces, service delivery centers, and buses to transport workers, and we committed the private sector establishments to reduce the attendance of their employees, so that the attendance percentage does not exceed 30 % Of the total number of employees, the establishments operating in the vital sectors have been excluded, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has launched the provisional guide to remote work for the private sector establishments, which includes the necessary measures to be taken during the emergency conditions ».

He continued: «The second axis of the national program to support the stability of the labor market in the private sector focuses on Emiratization, where we work to enhance the stability of citizens working in the private sector, and we have formed a special committee to look into complaints and follow-up of their conditions, while the third axis of the program provides administrative support initiatives to enterprises This is to reduce operational and administrative burdens on private sector enterprises.

For her part, the official spokesman for the health sector in the UAE, Dr. Farida Al Hosani, said that the home quarantine and the follow-up of people in their homes is a procedure followed around the world, and it differs in terms of follow-up mechanisms, and we in the state are keen to use modern technologies and smart applications, such as «STAY application HOME »recently announced by the Health Department in Abu Dhabi, to follow up on people in the home quarantine.

She emphasized that the methodology of early detection and expansion of the scope of examination followed by the UAE, according to international practices, contributes to increasing the number of confirmed cases in the country, noting that, according to the report of the World Health Organization, the recovery rate at the global level is less than 25% of the number of cases detected Therefore, the rate of discovery at the present time is higher than the recovery rate, and this is also seen during the periodic follow-up of the situation in the region.

She pointed out that the recovery period for simple cases that do not suffer from major symptoms ranged between two weeks to a month, while the advanced cases may exceed this period, pointing out that medical treatment was provided for the discovered cases such as antivirals, and the effectiveness and follow-up of these drugs are also monitored and studied for the speed of recovery And reduce complications.

Warning against throwing used gags and gloves on the floor

The spokesperson for the health sector in the country, Dr. Farida Al Hosani, warned against leaving and throwing masks and gloves after using them on the ground and on public roads, as it can transmit infection to others, such as cleaners, especially if it is contaminated and touched. She stressed the importance of adopting the correct behaviors by throwing gags and gloves used in closed containers to preserve the health of all, and the health of our brothers from the cleaners we consider to be from the first line of defense.

“Emiratization” launches the national program to support the stability of the labor market in the private sector.

- The number of examinations indicates the state's keenness to combat Corona, and reflects the strength of the health system.

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