Teller Report

Paca region calls for an end to "uncertainty" for festivals

4/8/2020, 4:45:35 PM

The holding of many festivals in Provence planned this summer, such as the Avignon festival, is for the time being suspended to the situation linked to the epidemic of coronavirus

The Palais des Papes in Avignon, during the festival - ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT AFP

The Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region calls Wednesday in a letter addressed to the Minister of Culture to put an end by the end of April to "uncertainty" for summer festivals, and to announce the extension of the state of health emergency or the barrier measures necessary for their holding.

"At the latest, at the end of April, a choice will have to be made: either give up as a precaution any gathering until the start of the school year in September or even beyond, allow small events to be held, consider that the deconfinement is effective from the middle of June and allow each festival to take place even in a different format ”, write in the letter addressed to Franck Riester the president of the region Renaud Muselier and its deputy president Christian Estrosi.

Many festivals in Provence

"We urge you either to declare a state of health emergency for this summer, no later than Thursday, April 30, or to specify, on this date, what barrier measures you consider inevitable from mid-June, so that each festival can decide whether it will be held or canceled, ”they continue.

The Paca region hosts many major summer festivals, including the Avignon Theater Festival, the Aix-en-Provence Lyric Art Festival, the Orange Chorégies, and the International Photo Meetings in Arles. As for the Cannes Festival, originally scheduled for May 12 to 23, its postponement to the end of June "is still under discussion," they note.


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  • Avignon Festival
  • Coronavirus
  • Festival
  • Renaud Muselier
  • Christian Estrosi