Teller Report

Is the subway cleaner cleaning the handrail with mop? Beijing Subway: The party was suspended

4/8/2020, 12:45:41 PM

China News Service, April 8 (Xinhua)-Today, the "Beijing subway cleaner cleaning the handrails with mop cloth" caused concern. The Beijing Subway Company issued an article on the matter today on its official Weibo account. According to netizens, the cleaning operation of the cleaning staff at the Gongzhufen Station of the Beijing Metro was not standardized. After investigation, the operation of the cleaning staff seriously violated the disinfection and cleaning operation process of the subway company. The subway company has made a suspension of treatment for the party concerned, and fully disinfected the escalator at the station.

Screenshot of the official Weibo of Beijing Metro

Beijing Metro said that since the epidemic, the Metro has continued to strengthen the disinfection of public areas such as stations and trains. In the next step, it will further strengthen on-site inspection and supervision to firmly prevent such incidents from happening again.

Beijing Subway Company apologizes for the adverse effects this incident has caused to passengers, thanks to the vast number of passengers and netizens for their continuous supervision and tolerance of Beijing Subway's work, and welcomes everyone to continue to work on the company's lines Supervise and provide timely feedback through service hotlines, Weibo and other channels in order to continuously improve the work and provide better services for passengers.