Teller Report

Feature story - Kirkenes, the new gateway to the Arctic (Replay)

4/8/2020, 2:12:52 PM

With global warming, the Arctic becomes a strategic area, coveted by all the great powers. One of its hot spots is the small town of Kirkenes, in the north of Norway…

Kirkenes, New Arctic Gateway (Replay)

Audio 7:30 p.m.

Kirkenes, in the north of Norway. (Illustrative photo) Harvey Barrison /

By: Frédéric Faux

With global warming, the Arctic becomes a strategic area, coveted by all the great powers. One of its hot spots is the small town of Kirkenes, in the north of Norway.


We are here on the border of Europe, but also of NATO, a few kilometers from the Russian giant, which has forged close ties with its Norwegian neighbor.

The other challenge facing Kirkenes is the receding Arctic ice. They released a new sea route between Asia and Europe. A shorter, more economical route. And for freighters that use it, the first port they meet in Europe is Kirkenes.

"Kirkenes, new door to the Arctic", a great report by Frédéric Faux.

(March 10, 2020 replay)

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