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Coronavirus: are pregnant women at risk?

4/8/2020, 4:09:53 PM

Many pregnant women wonder if the coronavirus is a danger to their pregnancy. Gynecologist Olivia Anselem wanted to be reassuring on Wednesday on Europe 1 & # 39 ;: & quot; Nothing shows today that there is an increase in the risks. & Quot;

Many pregnant women wonder if the coronavirus is a danger to their pregnancy. Gynecologist Olivia Anselem wanted to reassure Wednesday on Europe 1: "Nothing shows today that there is an increase in risks."


Since the start of the pandemic, doctors and caregivers have identified several populations at risk, such as the elderly and diabetics. But what about pregnant women? Many listeners of the program Sans rendez-vous asked the dangers of coronavirus during pregnancy. Olivia Anselem, gynecologist-obstetrician at the Port-Royal maternity hospital in Paris, was reassuring on Europe 1.

"It's hard to know, we don't have enough data. But nothing shows today that there is an increased risk with coronavirus. Pregnant women who have coronavirus are at home and have mostly mild forms, "she says. "We remain cautious because we know that pregnancy makes us more vulnerable to infections in general. We know that they are a little more likely to have a more severe form of the flu, so we remain cautious when we get to third trimester, "she warns nonetheless.

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Are there many pregnant women who have coronavirus?

The gynecologist assured him: "There are a few dozen patients, but we were not overwhelmed by the influx that we had anticipated." "We have reorganized to deal with the influx of patients who have the coronavirus, or who are giving birth with an infection in progress. We have set up a follow-up for women who are at home, we call them daily to check that they have no serious symptoms, that their babies are doing well and that they have no uterine contractions. We keep all this data preciously and then disseminate this knowledge to better take care of these women, "explains she.

Can coronavirus pose a risk to the baby?

Olivia Anselem was also reassuring about the risk of the coronavirus for the baby. "We observe that women who have a mild form of coronavirus have a pregnancy that goes well. With a pregnant woman who has a severe form that requires resuscitation care, we may have to do a caesarean in emergency to improve the ventilation of the patient. But for the moment, it has not been observed with the coronavirus, "she noted.

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Does the virus spread to children?

As for the transmission of the virus to children, the gynecologist admitted that she did not have enough data in her possession. "It is difficult to be sure. There is a possibility of passage, but Chinese studies have shown that there is no virus in the amniotic fluid or the placenta," she said.

"We had reassuring data, but we are taking a little more precaution because we have seen the presence of antibodies in newborns, which would not be transmitted by the mother but would be manufactured by newborns. a potential infection in some babies, but this only applies to a few cases and studies need to be continued. The cases of children who have had the coronavirus were not infected before childbirth but after, when they had contact with an affected person, like their father or mother. "

What advice for pregnant women and their loved ones?

To avoid contamination, Olivia Anselem advises "the same as for the rest of the population". "We must put into practice the barrier gestures, so wash our hands well and respect confinement. We must avoid going to the maternity ward, where there is a risk of catching the coronavirus, and favor consultation by telephone . "


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Are spouses allowed to attend childbirth?

If pregnant women can be anxious during this period of confinement, future dads fear that they will not be able to attend the delivery. But then again, the gynecologist displayed her optimism "The majority of maternities allow the presence of the father during labor, of course provided that he does not have the coronavirus. At this stage, I do not think things will go change, "she said.

"The opinion of the national college of French gynecologists authorized the presence of the father in maternity. It is estimated that the father carries the same virological status as the mother, since they are confined together. If the mother is asymptomatic, there has the possibility that he is a carrier, but the risk seems very low to us. Depriving fathers of attending childbirth has significant consequences. "