Teller Report

12 experts from China's anti-epidemic medical expert group in Myanmar depart from Yunnan

4/8/2020, 2:36:47 PM

On April 8, at the invitation of the Myanmar government, the Chinese government went to Myanmar's anti-epidemic medical expert group and a group of 12 departed from Kunming Changshui Airport and took a charter flight from China Eastern Airlines to Yangon, Myanmar. The Chinese government's medical expert group in Myanmar was established by the National Health and Health Commission and selected by Yunnan Province.

The members of the expert team come from the Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control, the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University and the Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and cover the professional fields of respiration, infection, critical illness, nursing, testing, and traditional Chinese medicine. The expert group also brought anti-epidemic donations worth 4.34 million yuan. (Du Xiaoxiao)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]

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