Teller Report

"Cho Joo Bin is suffering even if he is arrested" Courageous victims, accusations move

4/8/2020, 1:14:01 PM

Victims of sexual exploitation, including the doctor's room, often fail to report first because of their identity and fear of retaliation. This time, some victims decided to courage to sue Jo Joo-bin, but in the trial process, preparations are needed to prevent secondary damage.


Victims of sexual exploitation, including the doctor's room, often fail to report first because of their identity and fear of retaliation. This time, some victims decided to courage to sue Jo Joo-bin, but in the trial process, preparations are needed to prevent secondary damage.

Reporter Jeong Ban-seok reports.


Dr. victim A.

Police investigator Jo Joo-bin was arrested, but the suffering continues.

This is not only because of the anxiety that the damaged video can be redistributed at any time, but also because of the distorted gaze around the person that demands so-called 'victim'.

[Mr. A / Ph.D. Victim: If you go to a restaurant and eat, and hear the news even if the news comes out, 'Isn't the victims strange?' I did it once. Whenever I see such things, I don't think there is anything I can do.]

Because of these prejudices and concerns about retaliation, it is a reality that victims of digital sex crimes can't even speak for themselves.

But recently, some victims, including Mr. A, were encouraged.

We are preparing to sue Jo Joo-bin and the paid members of the doctor's room.

This is to actively exercise the rights as a complainant.

[Seung-Hee Seo / Korea Cyber ​​Sexual Violence Response Center: The most important goal is to protect the victims. And prosecution and trial to ensure that the victim's wishes are reflected.]

There are more than 100 victims in the doctor's room and room n confirmed by the police.

Careful preparation is needed to prevent secondary damages, including the protection of personal information by victims who have been courageously challenged during investigations and trials.

[Mr. A / Ph. Victim: It seems that people are interested and quiet now, but it will be quiet again after three months or a month, and the article will disappear. Again… I'm just scary.]

(Video Editing: Jinhoon Park)