Teller Report

“Not even a thermometer”: how Russians are kept in foreign prisons amid the spread of COVID-19

4/7/2020, 9:00:58 PM

Russian citizens who ended up in foreign prisons are in no way protected from coronavirus infection. This is reported by their relatives and lawyers. According to them, many inmates are already infected, but no isolation measures are being taken. RT found out the conditions under which participants in resonance affairs from Russia are being held.

Are in mortal danger

Two Russian citizens - Pavel Kosov and Mikhail Ivkin - have been in a French prison for more than two years now. In 2018, they were removed from the Munich-Bilbao flight and extradited to France, on charges of involvement in the riots in a preliminary conspiracy at Euro 2016.

Wife of Mikhail Ivkina - Julia told RT that in the prison where her husband is being held, prisoners suffer from coronavirus.

“He called me, said that three prisoners were diagnosed with coronavirus,” says Julia. - But they do not plan to release her husband. And it's really scary. They are being held for nothing, and a life threat has arisen. ”

At the same time, according to Julia, medical assistance in prison is not actually provided. “I know that his shoulder hurt and the doctor could not come to him for six months,” says Julia. “We wrote to the lawyer, waiting for his answer.”

Mikhail Ivkin’s lawyer, Petr Kurshin, said that it’s known from official sources that there are already about 10 coronavirus cases among prisoners in the Marseille prison, 6 wardens are quarantined with suspected coronavirus.

“Mikhail Ivkin is in mortal danger, in connection with which we make every possible effort to change the measure of restraint. In particular, they wrote a petition to the consul, who is in France. The Vice Consul is in touch with us, but so far has not given an exact timeline when they, on the basis of our application, will make their request to the Attorney General of the province where Mikhail is located. We see greater potential in a positive result, namely, if there is an appeal to the state structures of France from our state structures, ”the lawyer said.

According to RT, Irina Kosova, the mother of Pavel Kosov, another person involved in the riot case at Euro 2016, for him and his fellow inmates reduced their walks, canceled classes at school and sports training, but took no further measures to protect against the virus.

“I want to get a lawyer to write a petition to change the preventive measure. Nothing changes, the investigation lasted two years, it is not clear for what reason. Now wait another year before the trial. some kind of vicious circle. The worst thing is that they are accused of a criminal article, they say they are an armed group of people who wanted to destroy the World Cup. They sewed this article, so it all lasts. Already all the Poles, the British, who were hooligans there, spent two weeks each, and ours already blew the top ten all together, ”his mother says.

Court inhumane attitude

France also contains the Russian programmer Alexander Vinnik. He was arrested in Greece on July 25, 2017 at the request of the United States. Vinnik is accused of money laundering on virtual sites. Extradition of the programmer was also demanded by Russia and France, the authorities of the latter suspect Vinnik of extortion and money laundering as part of a criminal group. As a result, Vinnik was extradited to France.

  • Alexander Vinnik

According to RT lawyer Timofey Musatov, the defense tried to secure the release of the programmer from custody in connection with the pandemic.

“Having official information about non-compliance with the standards in the prison where Vinnik is located, they filed an application to change the preventive measure. Yesterday, the court examined and denied this to us. Without any motivation, ”said the lawyer.

According to him, Vinnik has a chronic blood disease, he is weakened as a result of many days of hunger strikes after the transfer.

“This prison was built immediately after the destruction of the Bastille. Since the prison is very old, it is impossible to comply with any measures related to the pandemic, ”Musatov said.

The defender noted that the Russian Embassy provided Vinnik with an apartment equipped with video surveillance systems that allow him to control his whereabouts, but the judge still refused.

“Vinnik is a Russian citizen. Recently, there have been a lot of examples of inhuman treatment of Russian citizens, not only to Alexander Vinnik, ”the lawyer said.

Lawyer stopped contacting

The Russian woman Bogdana Osipova was sent to an American prison for trying to take out her own children, whom she made with a US citizen. An American court found her guilty of attempting to steal and extort money from her husband.

  • Bogdana Osipova
  • ©

According to RT's mother Yuliana Filipyuk, the lawyers of her daughter suddenly stopped communicating. Meanwhile, there was already official information that one of the employees of the prison where Bogdan was held was positively tested for coronavirus.

“As far as I know, the judges of the state of Ohio and New Jersey take drastic measures to save the lives of prisoners, and many are released under home surveillance. But this is all done at the request - in our case, the lawyers do not get in touch, we don’t even know what to do, ”she told RT.

Earlier, RT talked about the fact that Osipova’s relatives sent letters to the US authorities with a request to release her under house arrest or have mercy.

It is worth noting that the authorities of some states decided on the early release of non-dangerous convicts. Prisoners are released in California, New York, Texas, and at least ten other states, reports The Wall Street Journal March 23. The Osipova family notes that she “has already served half her term without a single violation”, therefore there are reasons for her early release.

They promised to give drugs

Russian businessman Oleg Nikitin ended up in an American prison in 2019, he is accused of violating sanctions legislation. The businessman allegedly tricked bypassing the sanctions acquired a turbine for a gas generator worth about $ 17 million. For this, he can get 20 years in prison and a million dollars in fines.

According to the wife of businessman Natalya Nikitina, thanks to the Foreign Ministry, they finally managed to achieve concessions for Oleg in the regime.

The woman says that he finally began to be tolerably fed, for several months her husband lost 24 kg.

“Now they bring him hot food, for America this is not typical. Before that there was only bread and water. The guard now comes, gives, and makes sure that his cellmates are not taken away. He himself was a little fun, although the situation for us is a complete disaster. But Oleg is a real man, he holds on, he doesn’t sag. He tries to support me all the time, asks about children. They began to give him a call. At least twice a week, I hear his voice, ”she says.

A woman notes that her husband has a number of chronic diseases and a second degree disability. “I believe that he will be given drugs, a doctor will visit,” she said.

At the same time, the court was again postponed; it has been in jail for more than six months.

“Now a petition has been filed in the name of prosecutors and judges to change the preventive measure in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. We know that prisoners are now being released in prisons, those with shorter sentences and older and suffering from chronic diseases, ”she said.

One will be infected - there will be a general epidemic

Victor Bout was detained in Thailand in 2008 on charges of illegal arms transfers to the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces group, which is considered terrorist in the United States. He was extradited to the United States and in April 2012 was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

On April 5, his wife Alla Booth said that he had not been in contact for a week, although he was entitled to 3 calls per week.

  • Victor Booth
  • Reuters
  • © Sukree Sukplang

“We are in a panic,” she wrote in social networks. She previously told RT that the prison where Booth is located was quarantined.

“The prison is terrified of what is happening. There is, of course, panic. Victor said the prison was closed from visiting relatives. He was transferred to the special regime unit, now it may be for the best, there are a maximum of 25-30 people and single cameras. In general mode, there is a lot of crowding, so the epidemic will spread there faster, ”said Alla.

In her opinion, it was unlikely that any medical assistance would be provided in prison.

“If something suddenly happens, there will be a massive epidemic. Like they did with the usual flu. One employee got sick - the whole block got sick, ”says Alla Booth.

Due to quarantine, Victor was not able to be visited by employees of the Russian embassy, ​​although the visit was scheduled for March 16. “He prepared for about six months, was constantly postponed, and now it is not known when Victor will be able to visit and talk with him. The embassy staff also could not phone him, ”said Alla.

Sanitary standards are not respected

For more than a month now, Russian programmer Stanislav Lisov has been in a migration prison in the state of Pennsylvania. The Southern Federal District Court of New York sentenced him to four years in prison for stealing money from American bank accounts with the NeverQuest Trojan. The programmer was threatened with up to 35 years in prison, but he took into account the already served term and exemplary behavior.

  • Stanislav Lisov
  • © Frame: YouTube video

In Pennsylvania, the process of deportation of Lisov to Russia was to begin, but the US was overwhelmed by a pandemic. As told RT by the wife of the programmer Daria Lisova, according to the documents he should be extradited to Russia on June 10.

“We spoke with lawyers to expedite this process in connection with the coronavirus. But quarantine was introduced in the prison - visits were banned, however, they added free calls, ”she explained.

At the same time, according to the woman, no sanitary standards are not observed there - there are 80 people in the cell, everyone faces the common courtyard. He himself suffers from toothache, but receives no help.

“The toilet is alone and behind the curtain, if someone gets sick, it will be a pipe!” She added.

There is not even a thermometer to measure temperature

Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko was brought to the United States from Liberia, where he was arrested in May 2010. There he was taken by U.S. agents of the Federal Drug Control Agency. According to them, he intended to transport a large shipment of cocaine.

  • Konstantin Yaroshenko, detained in Liberia by US intelligence on suspicion of drug trafficking
  • RIA News

On September 7, 2011, an American court sentenced him to 20 years in prison. The pilot himself completely denies his guilt, and considers his business a provocation. He is now in the Danberry Prison in America.

According to RT, his wife Victoria, Konstantin has been complaining of a cold for several weeks.

“We turned to the US Department of State for medical care. She talked with her husband, he says that he’s lying with a temperature, but he cannot tell for sure which one - they don’t even have a thermometer, ”she said.

According to her, the situation with the spread of the coronavirus prison where her husband is being held is rapidly deteriorating. Dozens of prisoners are ill, but they are not taken to hospitals, as they are crowded with civilians.

Meanwhile, the Permanent Mission of Russia to the OSCE earlier expressed hope that Yaroshenko would return home due to the coronavirus infection pandemic.