Teller Report

The shock of sports sponsors: "If my business has dropped 92%, how can I sponsor anything now"

4/5/2020, 12:37:46 AM

Parallel to the terrible sanitary claw, with thousands of dead and infected every day throughout the world -many of them in Spain-, the crisis advances like an insatiable wave of tsunami





Updated Sunday, April 5, 2020 - 01:51

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Parallel to the terrible sanitary claw, with thousands of dead and infected every day around the world -many of them in Spain-, the coronavirus economic crisis is advancing like an insatiable wave of tsunami. Professional sport is no stranger and is shaken, with much of its livelihood in serious jeopardy. Television and marketing are the pillars of the business. "If my turnover has dropped by 92%, how can I not rethink my advertising and sponsorship strategy?" They ask is

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