Teller Report

Moussa Sissoko: "We are not invincible" against the coronavirus

4/5/2020, 7:54:34 PM

French international midfielder Moussa Sissoko was guest of Lionel Rosso on Europe 1. The 30-year-old player, confined to north London, discussed the news of his club Tottenham, but also his training club, the Toulouse Football Club, red lantern in Ligue 1.

French international midfielder Moussa Sissoko was guest of Lionel Rosso on Europe 1. The 30-year-old player, confined to north London, discussed the news of his club Tottenham, but also his training club, the Toulouse Football Club, red lantern in Ligue 1.


Seriously injured in the knee since the beginning of January, Moussa Sissoko gave his news to Europe 1: "In all the evil, there is a good. We, professional players we have very busy schedules, we don't "I don't have a lot of time to spend with the family, it helps to wake the children up, have breakfast with them. I try to keep my spirits up with my loved ones."

He also commented on the health situation, while the English championship is at a standstill, like everywhere else in Europe. "Some think they are invincible, but not. We must be careful, follow the instructions. Stay at home. We must remain careful, because the virus is going faster than us," said the midfielder of the France team.

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Sissoko ready to wait for recovery

Moussa Sissoko is continuing his rehabilitation and will be ready when football can regain its rights. In the meantime, he follows Tottenham's training protocol via the Zoom application. If he admits that he does not have enough land, he does not want the authorities to rush to take over. "Life comes first, maybe even by playing matches, someone can get the virus and affect their neighbor," said Sissoko.

And to add: "The measures which are taken are good, the fact of having stopped the championship. We will wait a few weeks and if it is possible to resume, it will be with great pleasure. If it is always complicated, better to abstain and save lives. " The player of the France team takes the opportunity to send a message to young people, who again this weekend did not all respect the rules of confinement. "Some people think they are invincible, but they don't. You have to be careful, follow the instructions. Stay at home."

"We are happy with Mourinho"

The midfielder also took the opportunity to take stock of Tottenham, only 8th in the Premier League and eliminated in the knockout stages of the Champions League by the Leipzig Germans (0-1, 3-0). "At one point, we had a lot of matches, physical glitches, major injuries (the striker Harry Kane and the winger Heung-Min Son, note )", deplored Sissoko on Europe 1. "The team has been in trouble, we had bad results, we are aware of it. If we have the chance to resume the championship, everyone will be able to play, we will have all our strength. "

Despite these jagged results, Moussa Sissoko continues to appreciate the work of his coach, José Mourinho, who arrived during the season. "We are happy with Mourinho, he brought new freshness. We are not going to spit on what Mauricio Pochettino did, he took the club to another level (Champions League final last year, lost against Liverpool, editor's note ), but now our future is José Mourinho. We have objectives, 4th place is always possible, we will do our best. "

Sissoko hurts his Téfécé

Moussa Sissoko was also moved by the situation of his training club, the Toulouse Football Club, a red lantern in Ligue 1 and almost condemned to descend to the lower floor. "I see that it is a very complicated year, they have been on the razor for years, there it is even more delicate", regretted the midfielder on Europe 1.

The ex-Pitchoune between 2007 and 2013 delivered a bitter analysis on the situation of Téfécé: "It is a team which suffers, which scores few goals, which collects a lot, which lacks solidarity. That pains me, Toulouse remains my heart club, there that I was trained. It hurts me, but by dint of pulling on the rope, one moment it may break. I continue to believe it, but it will be very complicated for them to keep going. "