Teller Report

Jiangxi's tourism industry sounded the recovery "aggregation number", multiple scenic spots to promote 2.5-day tourism routes

4/5/2020, 11:21:40 AM

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Jiangxi's tourism industry sounded the recovery "aggregation number", multiple scenic spots push 2.5-day tourism routes

China News Service, Nanchang, April 5 (Li Yunhan) The 2020 "Love Jiangxi, Healthy Tour" weekend 2.5-day tourism promotion event was held on the 3rd in Anyi Ancient Village, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, which sounded the "aggregation number" of the province's tourism recovery To promote healthy travel for tourists.

Since the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia, the tourism industry in Jiangxi Province has been pressed the "pause button". On March 19, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism released a message that the province will pilot a 2.5-day flexible schedule for the weekend in the second quarter of this year, launching travel electronic consumer vouchers across the province, and actively guiding citizens to go out for holiday on weekends. At the same time, the province's 5A-level, 4A-level scenic spots and 5A-level rural tourist spots are half-price tickets on Friday afternoon.

"Hand washing" and "maintain a safe distance" ... At the launching ceremony, representatives of the tourism industry in Jiangxi issued an initiative to the vast number of tourists on how to achieve "healthy travel". At the same time, the key scenic spots and tourist attractions in Jiangxi also released the latest health tourism products at the ceremony. Anyi County made a special announcement of "Travel to Anyi for a healthy stay" at the ceremony.

"This is the first week of Jiangxi's 2.5-day break, and half the price of tickets for this afternoon. The family has not been out for a long time at home. It was just this opportunity to take the family out to relax." On April 3, with a family of three Gong Xunbao, a Nanchang citizen who came to Anyi by car, said that the 2.5-day flexible rest is very suitable for traveling in the province with his family.

The revitalization of Jiangxi's tourism industry after the epidemic requires the joint efforts and joint efforts of all industry practitioners. During the event, key scenic spots in Jiangxi and key travel agencies held a signing and cooperation ceremony on the latest 2.5-day tourism products. In addition, scenic spots such as Shangrao Lingshan and Dayuya Mountain respectively released the latest 2.5-day tourist routes at the ceremony.

"The ceremony held in Anyi on April 3 officially kicked off the 2.5-day trial of Jiangxi." Cao Guoxin, a professor at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, in an interview with a reporter from China News, implemented flexible arrangements within the framework of the national holiday system to promote Proposals for consumption and tourism first appeared in 2005 and have not been implemented due to systemic arrangements. The main significance of this implementation is to solve problems.

Cao Guoxin believes that in theory, the 2.5-day holiday will greatly expand the development space of the tourism industry, especially the overnight space, and promote the in-depth development of the industry. Since the supporting reforms on the supply side and the demand side still need to be effectively promoted, the short-term benefits cannot be expected to be too high, but the new impetus to stir the tourism market is bound to continue to be provided. (Finish)