Teller Report

Emaar supports the Community Solidarity Fund against Corona by 100 million dirhams

4/5/2020, 10:11:22 PM

Emaar Properties announced its contribution of 100 million dirhams to the initiative of the Community Solidarity Fund against "Covid-19", which was launched by the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai, to support efforts to mitigate the effects of the emerging Corona virus. Emaar reported that this C

Emaar Properties announced its contribution of 100 million dirhams to the initiative of the Community Solidarity Fund against "Covid-19", which was launched by the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai, to support efforts to mitigate the effects of the emerging "Corona" virus.

And Emaar reported that this came as a sense of its national responsibility towards society, and in support of the efforts made in this regard, and in line with the values ​​and duties undertaken by the company towards the national economy, health authorities and members of society.

The Emaar Properties Chairman, Mohamed Al Abbar, said in a statement yesterday, that the company’s contribution is only part of its duty towards society.

He added: “We are proud to be among the first contributors to the Community Solidarity Fund initiative against (Covid 19), and we invite all institutions to join this initiative, which represents for us a moral obligation in the first place towards our society and our economy, and in support of government efforts to contain this epidemic that He threw his negative consequences on everyone, and to accelerate the achievement of the desired results from the many measures that the UAE government has taken in its responsible handling of the current situation, so that life can return to normal as soon as possible.

Al-Abbar continued: «We are in a situation that requires all of us, institutions and individuals, to join hands and synergies to overcome this critical stage, which cannot be overcome without doing our role to the fullest, because this represents an inherent duty towards our country that spared no effort to raise this. The homeland and its development, in line with the values ​​that we have derived from our wise leadership in its relentless pursuit and its concern for the health and safety of all members of society ».

Emaar Properties was among the first to respond to the conditions that resulted from the spread of the Corona virus, as it immediately complied with public health directives in this regard, by closing its commercial and entertainment destinations that include human gatherings, as well as directing its employees to work remotely from their homes. .

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