Teller Report

Different fates for the Umeå team: "Unjust and unsportsmanlike"

4/5/2020, 2:48:28 PM

Different unions have made different decisions when the corona virus forced sports to pause. In Umeå, some clubs have benefited - while others have been hit hard. - It feels unfair and unsportsmanlike. And the decision itself feels unreasonable, says IBK Dalens team captain Clara Forssén to SVT Sport.

What is sporting justice and injustice when a season suddenly cannot end? In Umeå you can look at both the good and the bad how clubs are affected. But no association is as disappointing as IBK Dalen, who goes out of SSL ladies, despite being in a position where you still had the chance to stay on sporting grounds.

- Many other unions have chosen other ways, for example, the handball association chose to expand the league instead. I had seen such a solution as more reasonable, says Forssén.

The team was second to last when the season intersected - but still had two games left to play.

- We were in a tough situation but two matches where we fight for our survival, then anything can happen. We had a good feeling in the squad, it is completely impossible to say how the exit had been, she says.

IBK Dalen has appealed the association's decision to the Swedish Sports Commission.

- I make no assessment of the sporting opportunity. We have looked at the rules and tried to create a holistic view, says the union's chairman Märit Bergendahl to SVT Sport.

Could you not make an exception and extend the series?

- The issue of extending SSL has been up a couple of times at the competition congress and voted down every time so it doesn't feel like it would have made sense. Even in a crisis situation, one must adhere to the regulations that exist.

"We were the best athletic - but the biggest losers"

It is not only the IBK Valley that is disappointed. Björklöven made his best season in 20 years but never got the chance to qualify for SHL - it was 1-1 in the hockeyall Swedish final against Modo when the season was canceled.

"That's the big deal with the season we did," says the club's CEO Anders Blomberg.

- The decision came quickly. Setting was one thing, but the consequences should be discussed more closely. As the situation now is, we were the best athletic but we are the biggest losers both sporting and financial.

Umeå IK is bleeding financially

This weekend, the damall Swede would have started with Umeå IK who is back in the highest series. But their comeback is paused. Instead, the club is bleeding financially, has been forced to terminate its club manager and the layoff of all staff is ongoing.

Financial problems also have the ground team Iksu, despite being awarded the SM title when the season ended.

- It is not possible to compare with a regular SM gold. For us, an SM gold is about playing an endgame in front of full stands and lifting a trophy in the Globe. It cannot be replaced, says team captain Emelie Wibron.

Iksu Volleyball also benefits from the situation. They have been offered the opportunity to take the stage in the high school when it is to be expanded from eleven to twelve teams next season.