Teller Report

Coronavirus in Israel: record rate of contamination in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods

4/5/2020, 11:12:47 AM

In Israel, the ultra-Orthodox Jewish quarters are causing concern by recording record rates of contamination. After the blockade of Bnei Brak, the Israeli government plans to apply…

Coronavirus in Israel: record rate of contamination in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods

In front of a supermarket in the ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak, in the northeast suburb of Tel Aviv on April 3. REUTERS / Ammar Awad

Text by: Michel Paul

In Israel, the ultra-Orthodox Jewish quarters are causing concern by recording record rates of contamination. After the blockade of Bnei Brak, the Israeli government plans to apply this measure in other cities. And the public does not hide its anger at the Minister of Health.


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From our correspondent in Jerusalem ,

The goal is the confinement of ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods in Israeli cities. The figures show that they have become centers of contagion for the coronavirus.

This is the case in Bnei Brak, the ultra-Orthodox suburb of Tel Aviv, where nearly 200,000 people live, many well below the poverty line. The most densely populated city in the country is under siege. Sixty roadblocks set up by the police and the army block the comings and goings of the population. According to medical sources, 38% of the city's inhabitants are affected by the virus.

The Minister of Health would not respect the isolation rules

Next on the list, the gigantic district of Mea Shéarim in Jerusalem where the police and rescuers are daily greeted with insults. And also Elad, Beitar Ilit and Beit Shemesh. " Do not lock us in ghettos, " claim the leaders of these enclaves.

The authorities want to act quickly. And more and more voices are rising in favor of the dismissal of Yaakov Litzman, the Minister of Health, himself ultra-Orthodox and tested positive at Covid-19. According to reports, he did not respect the isolation orders proclaimed by his own ministry.

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