Teller Report

Corona crisis sporting winners and losers

4/5/2020, 2:48:35 PM

Suddenly everything was interrupted - just when the fun was about to begin. None of the five major indoor sports had to end their seasons, and everyone made different decisions about how to do with SM gold, ups and downs. SVT Sport here lists the Corona crisis's sporting winners and losers.


Photo: Basket

The basketball leagues were the first of all Swedish series to end the season as early as March 12. It was decided that the current uncompleted table should be regarded as the final result and distributed SM gold to the series leaders. No teams left.


  • Borås sir: In this most remarkable way, he took the club's first SM gold.
  • Luleå's lady: They also took another SM gold, the sixth gold since 2014.
  • Helsingborg lady: Was offered a place afterwards and moved up to the league without having to qualify.


  • Hogsbo lady: Led the series from start up to a few laps before the stop, never got the chance to play for the gold.
  • Djurgården sir: Clear jumbo and tangled economy, but can now maintain their league place if you "come in with satisfactory documentation" financially by April 30, which can certainly be difficult.

Ice hockey

Photo: Ice hockey

The ice hockey also ended the season completely, but chose not to set any final results. No gold was awarded, no SHL playoffs or qualifiers were played. In SDHL they were in the middle of the final series but still chose to finish without a medal.


  • Leksand and Oskarshamn sir: Both teams were ready to go into an uncertain qualification to remain in the highest league, but now this was let go.


  • Women's HV71: Won SDHL by far. Easily went to the final and won the first match against Luleå. But hours before match two, which by victory meant SM gold, ended the season. HV did not get his first gold.
  • Luleå sir: Won SHL by far and were favorites in the playoffs that never started. The dream of the first gold since 1996 went up in smoke.
  • Björklöven and Modo, as well as the teams in the hockeyall Swedish playoff series: Löven and Modo made the all-Swedish finals and the chance for the millions and the greatness of SHL was realistic, when all of a sudden it ended.


Photo: Volleyball

The Volleyball had just started their playoffs, but like hockey and handball, chose to cancel and not hand out any SM medals. No teams are degraded, but Säter's lords gave up their place.


  • Floby and Uppsala men and Iksu ladies: Everyone was offered places in next year's elite series without having to play qualifying.
  • Svedala lady: Jumbo in the elite series, but remains without agony.


  • Sollentuna men and Engelholm ladies: Won each elite series, but no gold, like basketball and floorball were awarded.


Photo: Handball

The handball went its own way. No gold was awarded. The men's league was not finished and no team was degraded. However, the Swedish winner was moved up so next year the league will be 15 teams. How to do with the so-called derby groups is not communicated. Damligan was played out, no gold was awarded but up and down relocation is carried out.


  • Helsingborg and Varberg Mr: The law agreed to avoid last place and degradation. Now both were left without even having to worry.
  • Mr. Aranäs: Allsvenska winner moves up despite no team going out.
  • Kristianstad lady: Won all Swede and moved up.
  • Boden and other qualifiers from SHE / Handball League: The Norrlands team managed the qualifying spot on goal difference but now remained without qualification.


  • H65 Höör lady: Cheered over the series victory after the last round but became without gold.
  • Mr. Alingsås: Led the series before the final round, but the gold failed.
  • GT South: Was last and went out of SHE.
  • Hammarby men and other women's teams from allsvenskan: Six teams on the men's and women's side were ready to qualify for a place in the highest series but the qualification was not, as was the promotion.


Photo: Indoors

The indoor band made the same day as the handball, but a completely different decision. Despite rounds, the current table was finalized, SM gold was awarded and teams that could still remain were degraded.


  • IBK Falun sir: Leaded SSL by far, heading for series victory. Won the gold medal without the playoffs.
  • Iksu lady: Led the series with two rounds left but were not clear series winners. Still got an SM gold. However, the club has major financial problems.
  • All series winners in the Allsvenskan men and two winners in the Allsvenskan women are moved up to SSL.


  • IBK Dalen dam: Had the chance to get around Warberg in the table in SSL when two rounds remained but are now degraded. The decision has been appealed to the Swedish Sports Commission.
  • Warberg and Visby men and Skoghall ladies: All three were already ready for relocation and are now being degraded.
  • Other top teams from all Swedes both men and women who are not given the chance to qualify upwards.