Teller Report

“Fedor coordinated all his actions with Celta: how Smolov violated the quarantine regime and flew from Spain to Russia

4/5/2020, 8:27:28 PM

On the evening of March 4, Fyodor Smolov violated the regime of self-isolation and set off from Spain to Russia in a private plane. Initially, the Spanish media disseminated information that the Celta striker arbitrarily left the club’s location, but subsequently representatives of both the team and the player denied this information. About why the Russian decided to return to Moscow in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic - in the material RT.

Fedor Smolov suddenly became one of the main newsmakers in the world of sports. The night before, the Russian striker Celta left Spain in a private jet, thereby violating the quarantine regime. According to Spanish media, the footballer rented a private plane, in which he flew to Moscow.

According to AS, over the past few days, Smolov repeatedly appealed to the leadership of Celta with a request to release him to his homeland, but was refused every time. The team explained that the reason was the decision of La Liga on this issue, according to which players are not recommended to leave Spain in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.

As reported in the publication Mundo Deportivo, the club is aware of the situation and is aware of Smolov’s actions.

“The footballer immediately announced his movements and left with an obligation to return as soon as he decides his personal affairs. In any case, he will adhere to a regime of self-isolation, ”the press service of the“ heavenly ”said.

Initially, Spanish journalists reported that the leadership of the “Celts” intends to fine the athlete for leaving the country, but representatives of the athlete from ProSports Management denied this information. According to them, the team is aware of the player’s actions, and the penalty will be paid only if he can not return to Spain on time.

“There is no problem. Fedor coordinated all his actions with Celta. We agreed on sanctions in case the player returns to Vigo late, ”Sport-Express was told in ProSports Management.

Subsequently, it became known how Smolov was able to get home during the ban on air travel. It is noted that he went from Spain to a country bordering Russia, and drove the rest of the route by car.

It is noteworthy that a few days ago Smolov answered the questions of the Match TV journalist Nobel Arustamyan on Instagram. Then the striker of the “Celts” admitted that he misses Russia and would be glad to return to the capital.

“Summer will be incomprehensible to everyone. As part of what is happening in the world now, it’s selfish to think about a vacation. For me, happiness would be to return to Moscow. Homesick. I am torn from him. I feel psychologically and physically. The phone screen does not convey all the emotions of parents and friends. Only CS: GO kills time, ”said Smolov.

Among other things, the athlete already admitted that he was in talks with Celta regarding his return to Russia.

“While I can’t go to Moscow. I ask the club once every 1-3 days. But the teams want to play it safe. Awaiting League decision regarding the resumption of the season. Initially, they planned to start training on April 30, and resume the championship on May 15. But this is already impossible. I am sure that quarantine will be extended at least until the end of April. We’ll probably start training no earlier than the second half of May, ”Smolov said.

At the moment, it is reliably unknown about the reasons that prompted Smolov to violate quarantine and return to Russia. Nevertheless, the Spanish media suggested that the reason was Fedor’s desire to celebrate the birthday of his girlfriend, Maria Yumasheva. However, this version raises serious questions. At least for the reason that the granddaughter of the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, will only celebrate his 18th birthday on April 14, and a ten-day absence would hardly have been approved by the leadership of the Celts.

It is worth noting that Smolov was not the only Celta footballer to violate the isolation regime. Earlier, the midfielder Pione Sisto did the same. It was noted that the Danes and Russians turned out to be the only “heavenly” players who had to be alone during quarantine, while other athletes lived with their families.

As a result, on March 29, Sisto broke down and headed for Denmark. But unlike Smolov, he did not rent a private plane, but traveled by car. According to ESPN, Pione spent about 26 hours on the road and covered a total of about 2830 kilometers. It is noteworthy that the athlete did not consider it necessary to inform the club about his intentions and contacted them only upon arrival.

Many Celta fans were hostile to Smolov’s decision to leave Spain at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. So, some harshly criticized the Russian for his actions, and one of them announced the existence of double standards. According to him, while some people are forced to sit at home, others can fly on an airplane.

At the same time, some fans sided with Fedor. One of them explained the difference between the departures of Smolov and Sisto, noting that the striker had previously notified the team. And another said that he realized how hard it was to be in Vigo during the quarantine period.

“It is very clear. Alone in a foreign country and without knowledge of the language ... In addition, he made a flight on a private plane - in strict accordance with sanitary standards, ”one of the fans wrote.

The football player was also supported by a well-known blogger, and in the past, commentator Vasily Utkin.

“It is very important to respect the decisions and limitations made by others. But it is very clear that you yourself must neither lose your mind alone, nor lose your shape especially for a long time, and no one will protect your interests except you. Smolov did not violate laws; he will, no doubt, comply with quarantine rules. If he has a place to live in Moscow with the opportunity to play ball, jog, etc., he’s right, ”Utkin wrote in his Telegram channel.