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Virus: Pressure drops on hospitals, hope is reborn in Italy - France 24

4/4/2020, 6:51:28 PM

Virus: Pressure drops on hospitals, hope is reborn in Italy

Rome (AFP)

This is the most concrete hope of an imminent containment of the coronavirus pandemic in Italy: the number of patients hospitalized in intensive care decreased for the first time on Saturday.

This figure fell below 4,000 (3,994 against 4,068 the day before). It had never dropped since the end of February and the explosion of the pandemic on the peninsula, which remains the most mourning country in the world, according to official figures (more than 15,000 dead).

This unprecedented decline "is important news because it allows our hospitals to breathe. It is the first time that this figure has been falling since we have managed this emergency", welcomed the head of civil protection Angelo Borrelli .

This drop is particularly observed in Lombardy (north), the Milan region, the most affected, where hospitals of excellent quality are overwhelmed: there are now 1,326 in intensive care, fifty less than the day before.

According to the daily report, 681 people lost their lives in 24 hours in Italy, a figure still impressive but also down, by more than 10% compared to Friday (766).

- Vigilance of setting -

In certain sectors, the sometimes impressive excess mortality compared to previous years shows that these results of the authorities only depict part of the drama.

But this official figure of deaths is "in constant decrease, I want to remind that (on March 27), we had reached a maximum with nearly 1.000 deaths", noted Angelo Borrelli.

"It is a strong message but which should absolutely not be read as a sign that we would have overcome the critical sentence. It shows that what has been implemented has been useful", for his part congratulated the boss from the Health Security Council, Franco Locatelli.

He was also delighted that the pandemic had not exploded in the south, where the health infrastructures are notoriously deficient: "There was no guarantee of achieving this result."

The signs of slowing seen in Italy over the past week have nevertheless been accompanied by repeated calls from officials not to "lower their guard".

- Masks, scarves and scarves -

"Bad behavior or the thought that the battle has already been won risks spoiling all the sacrifices made so far," said Minister of Health Roberto Speranza on the Rai. "The researchers are doing their utmost but there is no vaccine available or certain therapy. And that will not happen quickly," he said.

Lombardy has also decided that from Sunday, those who go out will have to cover their respiratory tract, with masks, or failing that, scarves or scarves. Supermarkets will also be required to provide gloves and hydroalcoholic gel to their customers.

The government has warned the 60 million Italians, who are finishing their fourth week of confinement, that measures restricting their freedoms will not be lifted quickly and will only be eased gradually, in phases. Friday, Angelo Borrelli estimated that they would still be in force on May 1.

The government is due to announce Sunday or Monday new measures to help the third European economy, struck in the heart.

Vincenzo Boccia, leader of the Italian employers (Confindustria) judged that the imperatives of budgetary rigor which still prevailed a month ago, belonged from now on to History: "This time, the increase of the debt is an essential measure ", he said. In his view, "war economy" reflexes must be adopted. If the "phenomena (are) different, the consequences (are) identical," he said.

Like Spain, another European country hit hard, Italy calls for a mutualisation of the debt between members of the EU, which the countries of the North, behind Germany and the Netherlands reject.

© 2020 AFP